Village Fair Situation Outfits Begone!

Village Fair Situation Outfits Begone!


Tired of situational outfits? Try this modular mod.

Situational outfits are outfits that are randomly assigned to your own Sims or townies for various reasons. Those are outfits that are not regularly worn by those Sims so when you click on change outfit you will not find them in any category.

In most cases, they're atrocious - hence this mod.

This is the Village Fair Module.

It Disables the special randomly assigned outfits for during village fair. Village fair visitiors will instead just spawn in their regularly assigned everyday outfits.

Required Packs: Cottage Living

Compatiblity: Will conflict with any mod that alters these tuning files:

situationJob_Festivals_VillageFair_Animal_General_Child, 269153

situationJob_Festivals_VillageFair_Competitor, 259452

situationJob_Festivals_VillageFair_Animal_General, 259407

situationJob_Festivals_VillageFair_Garden_General, 259408

situationJob_Festivals_VillageFair_Garden_General_Child, 269154

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