Info: This ultra-eco-modern home has a lot to offer the right Del Solian looking for a bargain north of the state line, with 2 bedrooms, a pool, and a Tesla on the driveway
Gallery price: 172,823 (includes vehicle, does not include lot)
Lot size: 30x20
Lot traits, challenges: N/A
Made on (default lot name): Pigulock Manor, in Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbor
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 419* (Includes some roofing and inaccessible space, usable tiles may be fewer)
USES GALLERY CONTENT: This lot features art from the collection "Paintings Numbers" by KatrindieKleine. You can find this on the gallery. You don't need to download any additional content to see this. Thanks KatrindieKleine for the awesome numbers, which look great at the front of this lot as house numbers :)
USES MODS: This lot uses *A LOT* of mods. Please see the included text file regarding the mod list. Features mods by creators such as LorySims, HeyHarrie, felixandresims, houseofharlix, peacemaker_ic, Pierisim, Syboulette, Platinumluxesims, Kizaragy, myshunosun, Cepzid Creation, and more. THANK YOU MOD CREATORS! Please support the mod community and mod creators by downloading their work from their appropriate sources and donate to creators when you can! :)
Expansion / Game Packs: Horse Ranch / Growing Together / Snowy Escape / Eco Lifestyle / Get Famous / Get Together
Stuff Packs and Kits: Desert Luxe
Floorplan - bedrooms: 2, 1 primary, 1 secondary, both on the first floor.
- common areas: Open-plan ground floor with plenty of common seating, dining and active areas both in and outside. First floor offers a common half-sheltered deck.
Interior features: High end mid-century luxury, but from the year 2030. This home is decked to the nines in hardwood, rich plaster, concrete, and stone throughout. The ground floor has a fantastic dining room open to the front patio, while the TV nook is adjacent to the outdoor dining space. The kitchen is fully modern and fully high end, and ready to entertain guests.
Exterior features: The home is ultra-modern and ultra-environmentally conscious, with upcycled concrete, post-consumer siding in pale blue, and a half-pitch roof in half-grass, half-solar tile. Some natural wood is also featured on the home and as an accent fence. The front and rear both offer a small concrete facade, also covered in grass. The property features both a pool and a fountain, and fantastic views of Mount Jood, the nearby stratovolcano.
Three SimPrime favorite things about this home:
- This home has a special focus on outdoor living, with a large well-paved property that is highly accessible
- Stone, wood, and glass make for graceful ultra-modern and ultra-environmentally friendly living
- The home is absolutely gorgeous inside and out, though the inside may have the edge, with all of the Mid-Century charm throughout
MODLIST FOR "Beaverton" - YOU WILL NEED EACH OF THESE MODS. PLEASE READ SLOWLY AND TAKE YOUR TIME. If you do not have these installed, the lot will not look right. Again, please take your time and read the list slowly and verify each mod is installed. :)
Most of these mods can be found on CurseForge but some will need to be googled for. Specifically, the Tesla car. LorySims has their own webpage which is easy to find. The rest are all on CurseForge, please support mod creators when you can and download their work directly from them.
* 2018 Tesla Model 3 - by LorySims
Home Decor, Architectural, and Objects:
* Jardane - by houseofharlix, HeyHarrie, felixandresims * Kichen - by houseofharlix, HeyHarrie, felixandresims* Bafroom - by houseofharlix, HeyHarrie, felixandresims* Baysic - by houseofharlix, HeyHarrie, felixandresims* Livin' Rum - by houseofharlix, HeyHarrie, felixandresims* Arcadia Build Set - by peacemaker_ic* Pierisim - MCM part 3 - The Bathroom - by Pierisim* Pierisim - Calderone Bedroom - by Pierisim* Super Streamer CC Item Set - by zwhsims* Elevare stairs set (2020) - by Syboulette* Luxe Plush Carpet 01 - by platinumluxesims* Compact Computer - by Kizaragy* Arrie Office - 10 items - by myshunosun* Arcade Room Fanmade Pack - by Cepzid Creation* Grassy Stone Pavers + Grass - by CCBriekel* Natural Wood Paneling 2 - by simmillercc* Octave Collection - Part 4 - by HeyHarrie* QICC Urban Bedroom Set - by * WAVE Living - 1st Part - by TudTuds* Pool Party stuff CC - by herasims4* Diane office set (2021) - by Syboulette* Simple Live Collection #2 - by joyceisfox* Hudson Bathroom - by peacemaker_ic* Stone Floor & Wall Tiles - by peacemaker_ic
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