Info: This delightful Mid-Century wedge has 2 bedrooms, a full kitchen, a full bath, and plenty of 20th century charm.
Gallery price: 49,576 (not including lot)
Lot size and type (if not Residential): 30x30, Tier 3 "Small Home"
Lot traits, challenges: N/A
Made on (default lot name): Bridgecreek Drive, in Plumbite Cove, Copperdale
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 98
Expansion / Game Packs: Growing Together / High School Years / Snowy Escape / Discover University / Get Famous / Seasons / Cats and Dogs / City Living / My Wedding Stories / Jungle Adventure / Parenthood / Spa Day
Stuff Packs and Kits: Tiny Living (Required - Uses items) / Laundry Day / Fitness / Bowling Night / Cool Kitchen / Book Nook / Basement Treasures / Everyday Clutter / Pastel Pop / Bathroom Clutter / Blooming Rooms / Decor to the Max
Floorplan - bedrooms: 2, 1 primary (sleeps 2) and 1 secondary (sleeps 1, teen preferably)
- common areas: Open plan common space, front and rear terrace, lido deck
Interior features: What a time warp back to.. 1961? 1975? 1984? Who knows. It just smells musty and dated. Even the furniture remembers "the good old days". Includes some modern touches in the kitchen, bathroom and den.
Exterior features: The home is a Mid-Century wedge made of beige stone + blue accenting, with a half gable roof extending beyond the front of the home, trimmed in white. The property is fully fenced and the rear of the home includes a lido deck.
Three SimPrime favorite things about this home:
- Such an unusual shape means unique style, every time you come home
- Tier 3 Small Home status means you'll be saving on bills, every day
- The interior is an homage to the mid 20th century, from the Cosmolux theming to the shag carpet.
ETC: I based this on an irl home floorplan, you can find it by searching "MID CENTURY MODERN HOUSE PLAN 2559-00686", though I did modify it somewhat both interior and exterior to enhance gameplay, and for design sake.
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