Dark Girl's Room

Dark Girl's Room


This dark teenage girl's room is perfect for anyone who loves a moody vibe. The bed features a stylish black frame with cozy bedding that invites relaxation. In one corner, there's a chic reading nook with a comfy loveseat and a small bookshelf, creating an ideal spot for diving into books or studying. The overall design combines elegance and comfort, making it a great retreat for any teen.

Size: 7x7 
Price: 19 444$

Wall size: Medium
House built in Willow creek
Name lot - Garden Essance

I hope you like it ;)

If you prefer a brighter version, CLICK HERE


If you have any problem with installation or anything related to my publication - write a private message - I will help you!
Make sure your game is fully updated



testingcheats on

Shift + [
Shift + ]

!! Use cheats before placing this build !!


Used CC:

Herasims4:          https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/pink-makeup-set-1

SIMcredible:       https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/go-trendy-beauty-room







To install this room into your game:

- download the room
- unzip files
- copy all files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
- put CC in the Mods folder
- the room should be in the game gallery. Be sure to select the "Include custom content" option

Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.

Enjoy it! :)