After I set Yuki Behr's kitchen on fire, I felt a little guilty; I couldn't buy her a new oven, and at best I cleaned up.
Then I noticed that the house was not interesting at all, it was ugly both inside and out, things were put up just haphazardly. So I decided to fix up her house, so I also bought her a new oven.
What I've done is move the house a little bit further, enlarge the little bedroom by one strand of rectangles and fix it up. I hope you like it and if you want you can replace it in your game or use the house on your own.
Lots size: 30 x 20
Price: 99.759
In pratica ho migliorato la casa della famiglia Behr, a causa di un incidente in cucina (il mio sims ha dato fuoco al forno) mi dispiaceva non averle comprato il forno. Poi girando un po' ho visto che la casa mi urtava l'animo e il cervello, cosi ho deciso di mettere mano al costruttore che รจ in me e ho messo le cose a posto.
Ho sistemato il giardino, le camere da letto, la cucina e altro. Spero che vi piaccia!
Dimensione lotto: 30 x 20
Prezzo: 99.759