TV nook
The TV nook is spacious
Dining room
The dining room is large and features a bar
Rear elevation / Lido deck
The rear of the home features a pool
Bonus room 2
This room is 4x3 and big enough to be an office, or maybe an art studio?
Teen's room
A teen's bedroom - sleeps 1, needs cleaned
Child's room 1
This bedroom is suitable for a newborn, an infant, and a toddler
Front/side elevation
The front/side of the home
Living room
The living room is a great place to greet guests, and is separate from the TV nook
Primary suite - closet
The primary suite joins at the en suite bath through the walk-in closet
Half bath
The ground floor has a half bath
Bonus room 1
This 5x5 room is spacious enough to be another bedroom
A thematic photo of the home
Shared bath
The children share a bathroom
Side elevation
Side of the home
Primary suite
The primary bedroom is very large, and sleeps two.
Front elevation
The front of the home
Primary en suite
The primary bedroom features an en suite