Phokaia House

Phokaia House


A cheap, yet comfortable house for a family who does not want to spend all their funds on property.

Not everybody wants to spend all their savings on a house. There is no need to! In this house a family of five and their animals (decor) lives quite pleasantly, without a lot of unnecessary stuff.

Info about this lot
Residential lot
Lotsize: 30x20
Bedr/bath: 1+1
Value: 23.777

Lot traits: Homey
Fully furnished and decorated

2 playable floors
Ground floor: Reception room, Bath, Outdoor kitchen and toilet, Front- and Backyard
First floor: Bedroom

This build uses CC and will not look good/function without it.

You can find an overview/ links at the original post at my blog. Please note that none of the CC is included in the download here at CurseForge.

A huge thanks to all the CC creators 💖

Ameyasims - Around the Sims - Bakie Gaming - ChiLLi - Cidira - Hahhasims - Historicalsimslife - Javabean Dreams/Hamburgercakes - Kardofe - Kiolometro - Mammut - Schnattchen - Severinka - Simsnowtato - Soloriya - Teanmoon - Teknikah - Vroshii 


The packs used for the build and/or CC are:

Expansion Packs: Get Together, Island Living

Game Packs: Dine Out

Stuff Packs: None

Kits: None

My TOU: Don't upload and claim as your own.

You also find me here: Blog - Tumblr - Twitter - Patreon (free) - Ko-Fi - Discord