Info: This charming base game only Mid-century modern is the perfect size for a family just starting out, and has everything they need to get going.
Gallery price: 17,953 (not including lot)
Lot size and type (if not Residential): 20x15, Tier 3 "Small Home"
Lot traits, challenges: N/A
Made on (default lot name): Raffia Quinta, in Parched Prospect, Oasis Springs
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 100* (Includes 8 roof tiles which are inaccessible)
USES GALLERY CONTENT: The exterior front of the home features art from the collection titled "house numbers" by Cameila1. You can find this on the Sims 4 Gallery under their EA ID. You do not need to download any additional content to use this lot, I prefer to share-alike and leave a note when I use another author's content in my builds. Thank you Cameila1 for the house number!
Expansion / Game / Stuff Packs and Kits: N/A
Floorplan - bedrooms: 2, with shared hall bath.
- common areas: Great room is open-plan and offers great views of the entire home from every angle. Galley kitchen, dining nook, rear stoop, and front covered stoop. Large rear yard for activities.
Interior features: This home might look turn of the mid-century outside but inside is fully modern. Enjoy modern appliances and bathroom fixtures, plus comfortable soft-lines and furnishings. A great place to host an intimate get together.
Exterior features: The home is a classic split roof mid-century with taupe stone and black brick, black accenting and black window trim with medium tone doors. The roof is split gable in traditional mid-century style, with faded shingles and square black trim to match. The front features a small flower hedgerow and space for a small rose garden, just out front of the door. The rear stoop features a cover, though it is open to the elements. This property offers a lot of room to grow, together.
Three SimPrime favorite things about this home:
- Mid-Century is a cool style and I always enjoy building houses in the style. :)
- This is a Starter Home Plus and features some upgrades from the cheapest possible options.
- Based on an irl house plan from ePlans (no. 923-166). You can reference it by searching that plan number.
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