Info: Who said shipping container tiny homes have to be boring? This one bedroom, 1 bath full conversion is larger than life - and larger than expected, given the dimensions.
Gallery price: 69,406 (includes vehicle, does not include lot)
Lot size and type (if not Residential): 30x20, Tier 3 'Small Home'
Lot traits, challenges: Reduce and Recycle, Natural Well, Sunny Aspect
Made on (default lot name): The Shipping Views, in Port Promise, Evergreen Harbor
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 100* (This includes some unsable space, usable tiles are fewer)
Expansion / Game Packs: Eco Lifestyle
Stuff Packs and Kits: Tiny Living
USES MODS: This project uses "2015 Jeep Renegade" by LorySims. Please be sure to download it and install it before placing this lot, or the lot won't look quite right. Be sure to support mod creators as you can and my deepest thanks to LorySims for the Jeep - the perfect Portland car.
Floorplan - bedrooms: 1, top floor, with private balcony deck.
- common areas: Ground floor includes the dinette and kitchen, while most communal living happens outside in the fully fenced rear.
Interior features: It's a shipping container. It has modern furniture and hardwood on both floors, and grass in the full bathroom. It has large windows in every room.
Exterior features: It's a shipping container. Well, it's 2 of them fused together and another on top. It sounds crazy but you can actually live in an old Mearsk shipping cube. I wouldn't, but it seems popular.
Three SimPrime favorite things about this home:
- The home is peppered with eco touches all over, from solar panels, grass roofing, and windmills, to dew collection and upcycled materials.
- The shipping cube look is still quite trendy in the Pacific Northwest
- Native plants and a fantastic rear terrace make this home one to enjoy time spent in
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