Info: "Tiny living has never been so easy. Now in Cheerful Orange! Designed in San Myshuno, assembled in [REDACTED]. Schmapple Inc., One Schmapple Park, San Myshuno. Call 1-800-MY-SCHMAPPLE or visit us at the Schmapple Town Squre"
Gallery price: 72,510 (72,530; black / white variants) (not including lot)
Lot size: 20x15
Lot traits, challenges: N/A, though several suit. Have you tried "Homey" or "Fast Internet"? You can find them and more in the Lot Traits and Challenges menu, in Build mode!
Made on (default lot name): Nookstone, in Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 32 (Tier 1 Micro Home)
Expansion/Game/Stuff Packs and Kits: N/A
Floorplan - bedrooms: 1, sleeps 1. You weren't going to have someone else sleep in *your* Schmapple Home, were you?
- common areas: galley kitchen and TV den, full bathroom
Interior features: Everything you need for an edifying life but with plenty of cost savings to you. With our tight integration between hardware and user experience, your day to day life will never be this easy again. High end appliances, tech-y touches everywhere.
Exterior features: The home is clad in wood siding, your choice of color (white, Cosmos Gray/Black or Cheerful Orange) with a covered carport, a small rear terrace with pool, and fencing. It's minimalist, but in a cool eco-friendly, shabby-chic, industrial, and middle class way.
Three SimPrime favorite things about this Micro Home:
- With Schmapple, you have 'access to' SchmappleCare (TM), which means that if anything goes wrong, you fix it yourself and get upgrade parts in the process. That's the Schmapple Guarantee (R).
- High end tech means you'll never be bored. High end softlines means you'll never be uncomfortable. Modern decor means you'll never feel drab.
- With plenty of space on the property, you can do anything your heart desires - paint, garden, have a pet - the choices are endless
ETC: I included 3 color variants, it's the same property but with color way changes to suit. First time I've ever done a 3-in-1 pack. :) INSTRUCTIONS: Just pick the color you like the best and unpack those "tray items" into your /tray/ folder.
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