TapeiGuanas - Pique Hearth

TapeiGuanas - Pique Hearth


SulSul! Please: enable bb.moveobjects before placing the room.

Willow Creek, Courtyard Lane, two-storey house Pique Hearth

Plot size: 30x20. Includes CC.

Pique Hearth is nestled between Riverside Roost and Rindle Rose. It is the home of Bob & Eliza Pancakes. It has a nice porch and balcon on the second floor—great places for working on hobbies or skills while getting some fresh air. The backyard comes complete with a barbecue grill and pool great for a family dinner or for entertaining guests.

+CC (custom content used in construction). To find the CC used in this project, click on the Relations tab above.
If you are using the Curseforge app, all of the required CC will be automatically downloaded when you hit install.

List of CC that are missing on Curseforge:

- [ATS4] Janitor Cart and cleaning stuff - Laundry detergent & Softener


- [Littledica] Chicbathroom 

- [myshunosun] uma-living - midsummer 

- [lilis-palace] FOLKLORE

- [RVSN] PhotographicMemory_PhotoMod_2_0_3 

- [S-imagination]  Cottage Kitchen SP-Bag-Decorative Plate

- [PC-TS4] -  Hamptons Hideaway

- [MyCupOfCC]  ColourTalk_KitchenScale

- [ClutterCat] Mermaid Mansion I - Mermaid Mansion II - MamaMia

- [MadameRia] SnowyEscapeDecoLogPile 

 Special thanks to all the creators for your creations! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

 My ID in the game: TapeiGuanas