The Burkhardt

The Burkhardt


The Burkhardt

Info: This ultra-modern 3 story 9 unit condo cube features apartments varying in size from efficiency to two bedrooms, and each is uniquely furnished and tailor-made.

Gallery price: 393,983 (not including lot)
Lot size: 40x30
Lot traits, challenges: N/A
Made on (default lot name): Casbah Gallery, in the Arts District, San Myshuno (Alternate placement shown: The Waterfront, in Port Promise, Evergreen Harbor)
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 999+* (This includes roof tiles, usable tiles may be fewer)

Expansion / Game Packs: High School Years / Cottage Living / Eco Lifestyle / Discover University / Island Living / Get Famous / Seasons / Cats and Dogs / City Living / Get Together / Get to Work / Werewolves / Dream Home Decorator / Realm of Magic / Jungle Adventure / Parenthood / Dine Out / Spa Day
Stuff Packs and Kits: Country Kitchen / Paranormal / Tiny Living / Moschino / Laundry Day / Fitness / Vintage Glamour / Backyard Movie Hangout / Cool Kitchen / Perfect Patio / Everyday Clutter / Pastel Pop / Desert Luxe / Decor to the Max / Blooming Rooms / Industrial Loft

Floorplan: Units across all 3 floors. Each unique, varying from studio to 2 bedrooms, some with balcony.

Units by pack theme / floor / number of bedrooms:

Unit A: Cottage Living. Ground floor. One bedroom.
Unit B: Parenthood. Ground floor. One bedroom.

Unit C: Base game. First floor. One bedroom.
Unit D: Decor to the Max/Dream Home Decorator w/grand entry sitting area and side patio. First floor. One bedroom w/ en suite and walk-in closet.
Unit E: City Living. First floor. One bedroom. Sad.

Unit F: Dream Home Decorator / City Living. Second floor. Efficency w/platform bedspace.
Unit G: Island Living. Second floor. One bedroom.
Unit H: Jungle Adventure, w/side patio. Second floor. One bedroom.
Unit I: Realm of Magic. Second floor. Two bedroom (one acting as an alchemy room).

Common areas include: Each floor shares a hall and stairwell. Ground floor offers a communal workout space and a laundry room, plus security/reception/mail room area at the front of the building. Rear of the property is fenced and features a pool deck and common use park.

ETC: This is a multi-unit apartment building, and as such because of the nature of The Sims 4, it does not function as you would expect, and you should continue reading before installing with a mind full of dreams if you are unfamiliar with how such things work in The Sims 4.

>You *can* use this lot in a number of ways: move a Sim/household into the lot and pick a preferred unit, add sims as "roommates" to your family (or through the Discover University roommate system), and assign them to apartments. Empty any unassigned units of furniture to reduce the performance penalty and play as you normally would. Bills *will* be abnormally high given you are basically the building superintendent and owner, but you expected that moving into a luxury condo cube, right? Otherwise it's more or less just cool set dressing that I've used as lot filler, and a fun little side project to see if I could. Cool design idea, not functional as desired in the game. Sad, but them's the breaks. Maybe in The Sims 5?

FAQ: "Sometimes my Sim doesn't complete an action or time freezes while in speed mode 1/2/3 when living on this lot"
Empty more apartments of furniture, and change the empty unit walls to bare drywall (or one of the exterior building patterns, like 'Slate and Great' or 'Upcycled'). Reducing the number of objects on a lot and number of displayed textures (floor wall and ceiling) all helps to reduce computer resource usage while playing, and make the game run smoother. This may be why we were never given the option to build custom apartments to begin with..

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