Tunnel Falls Park

Tunnel Falls Park


Tunnel Falls Park

Info: This hidden gem tucked away in the woods of Evergreen Harbor is one of the best-rated parks on Goer, and features everything you need for an afternoon or weekend of fun. Sponsored by Simtel - 'Go off and do something wonderful.'

Gallery price: 20,605 (not including lot)

Lot size and type (if not Residential): 30x20, National Park
Lot traits and challenges: Convinial, Party Place, Sunny Aspect
Made on (default lot name): The Old Mill, in Port Promise, Evergreen Harbor 

Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: N/A, this is an outdoor space. It features a 3x2 covered bathroom.

Expansion / Game Packs: Growing Together / Eco Lifestyle / Seasons

Stuff packs and Kits: N/A

Description: This charming open plot of land was many things in the years and centuries before. A landing site on the Evergreen Trail, Bob's old Red Mill, a home, disused land that homeless Sims would sometimes camp in.. After a while, computer chip giant Simtel sponsored the land and did a clean-up operation, beautifying the area and restoring it to usable standards. In the process, they cleaned out 3 cars from the lake, planted 10 new trees, built a whole new bathroom, found space for bicycle parking, spruced up the cooking/camping area, and planted untold numbers of native plants. Though Evergreen Harbor may be kooky, they sure do take their green thumb conservation and corporate responsibility seriously. Sponsored by Simtel - 'Benefactors of the future. Please don't litter'.

Etc: Since Evergreen Harbor is basically just a thin parody of Portland Oregon (USA), I may as well add some lore to it and explain why. First, why a park? Evergreen Harbor has zero parks. At all. For a town that's supposed to be environmentally friendly it sure struck me as a misrepresentation, given how many parks the Portland Oregon metro area is home to. The name is an homage to something natural and something man-made; Tunnel Falls is both the name for the first commercially produced Intel quantum computing accelerator chip, and the name for a natural landmark not terribly far from the campus where it was largely designed and built: Ronler Acres, in Hillsboro - a suburb of Portland. This is my nod to that beautiful piece of nature, and next paradigm in computing. X86/64 is dead, long live Tunnel Falls.

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