Aenys I and his Family

Aenys I and his Family

Inspired by the ASoIaF & Fire and Blood Characters.

Rhaena, Jaehaerys, and Alysanne NOT Included in this download. 

CC Heavy (lists in several .txt files noncomprehensive)

The purple eyes are an edit of the Simulantity_NDEyes and they are not included in the download, as per their terms of use. 

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider
from the "Official" Website (WARNING -- LONG)

Aenys I Targaryen was Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and the second Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his younger sister-wife, Queen Rhaenys Targaryen. He had a younger half-brother, Maegor I Targaryen.

At birth, [...] was small, with spindly limbs and small, watery eyes. [...] weak and sickly and slow to grow, but once he was given the hatchling Quicksilver, Aenys began to thrive. Although not in his youth, as an adult Aenys was as tall as his father, yet slender and weedy at the same time. His fingers were long and slim. He had lilac eyes, paler than his father's had been, and curly hair which fell to his shoulders in ringlets. He also wore a silky beard and mustache.

Aenys dressed in the finest silks, samites, and velvets. [...] was a kindhearted, courteous, charming, and soft-spoken man, who wished to be loved by everyone and always sought to please. This made him indecisive, as he would dither and hesitate over his decisions, fearing to disappoint someone. He made friends easily, but he also trusted everyone and allowed himself to be easily influenced. He was a dreamer and delighted in music and dance, so much so that he became a patron of singers, mummers, and mimes. He was a good singer himself, and had a "strong, sweet voice". A charming man, young girls doted on him.

A diligent student who did not lack for courage, Aenys was an adequate fighter. However, he was not a warrior, and lacked his father's strength. Training for battle eventually lost every appeal to him. Instead, he preferred the companionship of maesters and septons, and dabbled in alchemy, astronomy, and astrology. Aenys was a clever man, though he could not be considered bookish. He also loved to ride, and was given coursers, palfreys, and destriers. However, his favorite mount was always his dragon, Quicksilver.

Alyssa Velaryon

Was a member of House Velaryon during the first century after Aegon's Conquest. She was the wife and queen of King Aenys I Targaryen, and they had six children together. Some years after Aenys's death, Alyssa served as Queen Regent for her youngest son, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. She married again to Lord Rogar Baratheon, and gave birth to two more children during the marriage.

Alyssa had the silvery hair and purple eyes of the Valyrians.

Alyssa had charm, wit, and kindness. According to Septon Barth, above all else Alyssa desired to be loved, admired, and praised.

Aegon, the "Uncrowned"

Was a member of House Targaryen and was the second child, and eldest son and heir, of King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon. After his father's death, he became a dragonrider and rode his late father's dragon, Quicksilver. He became known to history as Aegon the Uncrowned after his uncle usurped the Throne.

Aegon at fifteen was lean and handsome, he caught the eye of many a maiden and Aegon was not indifferent to their charms. Some said he was the very image of his grandsire at the same age. He served three years as a squire and greatly improved his martial skills with sword and axe, and he was widely regarded as the best young lance in all the realm.


The second son of King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon. A promising lad beloved of the commons.

To make sure his family did not try to overthrow him, King Maegor took Viserys, by then the eldest living son of his late brother, as his squire and hostage. After Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen died in 44 AC, Viserys's mother, Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, fled with Viserys's younger siblings, Jaehaerys and Alysanne.

Because of this, Maegor the Cruel had Viserys tortured for nine days until the prince died. His body was left in the courtyard for a fortnight, in the hopes that his mother would feel forced to return to claim the body of her son, but Alyssa did not return. At the time of his death, Viserys was fifteen years old.


The youngest child of King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon. She died in the cradle