Jocelyn and Boremund Baratheon

Jocelyn and Boremund Baratheon


Inspired by the ASoIaF characters.

CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider for Height

*I changed Boremund's eyes to blue after taking the pics, so know that his eyes are actually blue in this download*



Dance Machine



Description from the "Official" Site

Was the daughter of Lord Rogar Baratheon, the Lord of Storm's End, and Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon. She had an older brother, Boremund, and six elder half-siblings, Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, Jaehaerys I, Alysanne, and Vaella Targaryen, born to Alyssa Velaryon from an earlier marriage to Aenys I.

Jocelyn had large dark eyes and black hair. By the time she was sixteen, her thick straight hair fell to her waist. A solemn girl, she grew to become one of the greatest beauties of the realm.

She had been frail as a babe, but by the age of six had become a tall young girl. At the age of sixteen, Jocelyn was an inch short of six feet tall.

She was also born one month premature in 54 AC. Her mother, Alyssa Velaryon, fell severely ill due to the pregnancy, and was unable to give birth by herself. According to Maester Kyrie, he could not save Alyssa, but by cutting her open he might be able to save Jocelyn. Lord Rogar Baratheon then told the maester to save his child. Some days after her birth, Rogar named his daughter.

In 58 AC, Jocelyn came to King's Landing with her father Rogar and her older brother Boremund for the tourney held on the anniversary of King Jaehaerys I's tenth anniversary on the throne. Jocelyn was raised mostly by the wives of her father's brothers, but they both favored their own children, and died eventually of Winter Fever. In 61 AC, at the age of six, Jocelyn was once again brought to court by her father, together with two daughters of her father's brother Ronnal. Lord Rogar requested to King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen that Jocelyn be raised at court as their ward. The king and queen gladly accepted.

In 62 AC, during the feast held to celebrate the investiture of Prince Aemon Targaryen as Prince of Dragonstone, Jocelyn was seated beside Prince Aemon by Queen Alysanne. The two young people ignored all those around them all evening.

Jocelyn was betrothed to her nephew Prince Aemon Targaryen in 68 AC. They were married two years later, in a ceremony that was said to rival the Golden Wedding of her parents. Jocelyn gave birth to their first and only child, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, in 74 AC. She became a widow in 92 AC, when Prince Aemon was killed on Tarth while attempting to put a halt to the invasion of the island by Myrish pirates. Jocelyn wept bitter tears upon hearing of her husband's death. When King Jaehaerys I Targaryen passed over Jocelyn's daughter Rhaenys in favor of granting the title Prince of Dragonstone to his next oldest son, Prince Baelon, Jocelyn was angered. Jocelyn became a grandmother at the end of 92 AC, when her daughter gave birth to Laena Velaryon.

She had died by the time of the start of the Dance of the Dragons. Her nephew, Lord Borros Baratheon, claimed he never knew her.




Self Assured


Successful Lineage

Description from the "Official" Site

The Lord of Storm's End and the head of House Baratheon during the reign of kings Jaehaerys I and Viserys I Targaryen, he was the only son of Lord Rogar Baratheon and Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, Boremund was the half-brother of King Jaehaerys I.

At birth, Boremund was a robust and healthy baby, red-faced with a fuzz of jet-black hair. At eight-and-twenty, he was the image of his father, brawny and powerful, with a booming laugh, a great black beard, and a mane of thick black hair.

According to Septon Eustace, Boremund was like stone, "hard and strong and unmoving". He was a belligerent and formidable man, though not as belligerent as his son Borros. Boremund was an outspoken and staunch supporter of the claims of his niece, Rhaenys Targaryen, and a steadfast friend to her.