King Jaehaerys I

King Jaehaerys I

Inspired by the ASoIaF character.
CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider

The purple eyes are an edit of the Simulantity_NDEyes and they are not included in the download.

GlitterberrySims_Gemstone Crown HERE.




Monarch (Royalty Mod)


Leader of the Pack

from the "Official" Website

Also known as the Conciliatorthe Wise, or later in life as the Old King, was the fourth Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He ascended the throne in 48 AC following the death of his uncle, Maegor I Targaryen. Jaehaerys was the longest reigning Targaryen monarch, sitting on the throne for fifty-five years. He was a dragonrider, riding Vermithor, the largest dragon after Balerion and Vhagar.

had the purple eyes of House Targaryen. At the age of sixteen, he wore his hair loose, flowing about his shoulders. Early in his reign he grew a wispy beard and mustache. By the time he had turned twenty-four, Jaehaerys looked “every inch a king”. He was a tall and handsome man who wore his hair in a thick braid that fell almost to his waist and his facial hair had grown out into a handsome full golden beard, shot through with silver. By 84 AC, at the age of fifty, Jaehaerys had grown thinner, almost gaunt, and his beard and hair had become more grey than gold. At an older age, his beard had turned white, and had grown to reach his waist but he still stood unstooped and still looked wise and dignified.

Jaehaerys moved with an easy grace. It is said that his smile could warm the heart of any maiden, and his frown could make a man's blood run cold. He wore as a crown a simple band of yellow gold ornamented with seven gems of different colors.

Jaehaerys was decisive in both thought and deed, and always sought the most peaceable ends. In times of trouble, instead of brooding on the issues, Jaehaerys would shrug off his sorrows and plunge himself into his work. He never acted without thinking, and did not trust in chance. Nor did Jaehaerys like to make outright threats, but had other ways of making his disapproval felt. According to the Sealord of Braavos, Jaehaerys was very skillful in making veiled threats.

Even by the age of fourteen, Jaehaerys refused to allow his council to rule the realm in his name during his regency, and would involve himself in many of the issues the small council faced. He was never shy about letting his voice being heard. Nor was he a man who wasted time with reproaches, recriminations, or appeals.

Jaehaerys was a gifted rider. By the time he was fourteen years old, Jaehaerys was already skilled with lance and longbow. Following a rigorous training regime during his time on Dragonstone, he became skilled at arms as well, to the point where Ser Elyas Scales, Jaehaerys's master-at-arms claimed that Jaehaerys would never be skilled enough to join the Kingsguard, but that he had enough skill to beat his uncle Maegor in combat, had Maegor still lived.

Jaehaerys was known for his love of travel, and made many royal progresses. He and Alysanne were known to stay at the inn at the crossroads during their journeys so much so, that afterwards it was renamed the Two Crowns.

When he was younger, Jaehaerys had been fascinated by the ponderous tomes and Old Valyrian scrolls found in Dragonstone's library. Jaehaerys had always been close to his sister-wife Alysanne, even as a child, and had always had a strong affection and regard for her.

Near the end of his life, after outliving his wife and most of his children, Jaehaerys's strength and wits began to fail, leaving him often confined to his bed.