Queen Alysanne

Queen Alysanne

Inspired by the ASoIaF character.
CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider 






Leader of the Pack

from the "Official" Website

Was a small woman, slim of waist and slight of frame. According to a semi-canon source, she was small of breast, with a long neck, a fair complexion, a high forehead, and high cheekbones. Alysanne was described as "pretty", but seldom as "beautiful". She had blue eyes and honey-colored curls. Her lack of the classic Valyrian coloration of silver-white hair and purple eyes may have been due to the fact that her maternal grandmother was Alarra Massey.  Alysanne often wore a slimmer, more feminine version of her brother-husband's crown at court.

Alysanne was bright but unremarkable as a young girl. She was courteous and biddable, and had a sweet smile and a pleasing voice. As a child, she was neither timid nor did she have a willful and stubborn temperament. According to Lord Rogar Baratheon, Alysanne was a proud girl at the age of thirteen. She was considered to be gentle, kind and loving. Alysanne loved her subjects, both highborn and lowborn, and was well loved throughout the Seven Kingdoms in return. She loved her women's courts, where she listened to and learned from the women of the realm. She loved music, dancing, reading, and flying on her dragon. She was a fearless woman. According to a semi-canon source, Alysanne was a fine archer and hunter in her youth, and became renowned for her charities.

Later in life, it was said that Alysanne had learned to read before she had been weaned. According to Septon Barth, she would have been sent to the Citadel, had she been male. She had a great wit, and all the chronicles agree that she made a powerful impression on those who met her. Alysanne was high-spirited, charming and keenly intelligent. However, Lord Roose Bolton considers Alysanne to have been shrewish.

According to a semi-canon source, Alysanne's hair turned white as snow in her old age. She wore it in a bun, pulled back and pinned behind her ears. Additionally, age left crow's feet around her eyes and laugh lines about her mouth, although her face never lost its strength. Alysanne became thin and frail after the death of her son Aemon in 92 AC, and began to have difficulty in climbing hills. After she broke her hip in 95 AC, she walked with a cane. Further, as she aged, her hearing began to fail, and she became too unsteady to fly.