Queen Rhaena

Queen Rhaena

Inspired by the ASoIaF character.
CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider

The purple eyes are an edit of the Simulantity_NDEyes and they are not included in the download. 





Expert Nectar Maker (Horse Ranch) *Didn't know what else could be even close to fitting her* 

from the "Official" Website

 Was the eldest of the six children of King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon. She was a dragonrider, and rode the dragon Dreamfyre.

Rhaena was forcefully married to her uncle, King Maegor I Targaryen, who had usurped and killed her husband Aegon, becoming one of his Black Brides. Later, in the reign of her brother, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, Rhaena was called the Queen in the West during the time she spent in the westerlands, and the Queen in the East during the years she held Dragonstone.

Had lively lilac eyes and silver-gold hair. She was small at birth, but happy and healthy. By the age of fourteen, Rhaena had grown into a beautiful young girl.

Rhaena was a shy, dreamy child, more comfortable with animals than other children. She would often hide behind her parents as a child when near strangers, and never warmed to any of the female companions her mother presented her with. She much more preferred books. After bonding with her dragon Dreamfyre, however, Rhaena began to outgrow her shyness. After she had flown for the first time, though she remained a quiet child, she could no longer be considered timid. Shortly thereafter, Rhaena made her first friend. Numerous female favorites would follow throughout her life..

Rhaena had an exquisite singing voice. At eighteen, Rhaena was considered brave, fierce and headstrong. As an adult, she was sometimes stern and sometimes shy, frequently brooding. Rhaena had no interest in other people's children, but was possessive of her own, and of people she loved. She was furious when betrayed, and scornful of those she did not trust. Due to numerous betrayals and tragedies in her later life, Rhaena became withdrawn and detached. In her last years, her hair turned completely white.