Princess Rhaenyra

Princess Rhaenyra

Inspired by the ASoIaF character.
CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider

The purple eyes are an edit of the Simulantity_NDEyes and they are not included in the download. 

*GlitterberrySims_Gemstone Crown HERE*

Teen and YA versions, Same Tray Files





Leader of the Pack

from the "Official" Website

Wore her silver-gold hair in a long braid in the manner of Queen Visenya Targaryen.

Rhaenyra had a large bosom, but never lost the weight she gained from pregnancies, & she had grown stout and thick of waist at the age of twenty after her third pregnancy. Rhaenyra was proud and stubborn, and there was a certain petulance to her small mouth.

Though she could be charming, Rhaenyra was quick to anger & never forgot a slight.