Rogar Baratheon

Rogar Baratheon


CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider for Height



Self Assured



Leader of the Pack

Description from the "Official" Site

 Had the typical blue eyes and black hair of the Baratheons, and wore a beard. He was muscled like a bull.

Near the end of his life, age and illness took a toll on the Lord of Storm's End. His once-black hair had gone grey and his face was pale and lined. He grew so gaunt that his clothes hung loosely upon him.

Rogar was no swordsman, and preferred to wield a double-bladed axe on the battlefield. He often described his axe as "large and heavy enough to cleave through a dragon's skull." He owned an antlered halfhelm.

Rogar was a prideful man, admired for his courage and boldness, respected for his strength, and feared for his military prowess and skill at arms. He was regarded as open-handed as he was bold in battle, and was unaccustomed to defeat. Of a martial temperament, Rogar was described as a warrior to the bone. He was fond of hawking, hunting, gambling, drinking, and feasting. However, Rogar had no love for mummers, once declaring them to be of less use than a monkey.

Rogar was not a man to yield, often boasting in battle that he would not lay down his axe while there was life in his body. Though King Jaehaerys I valued Rogar as a counselor and a friend, the young king believed his own intelligence, judgment, and temperament to be superior to that of the Lord of Storm's End. Despite his actions in his last year serving as Hand of the King, Rogar was not a cruel or evil man at heart, nor was he a fool.

Under the cover of darkness, Jaehaerys and Alysanne snuck away to Dragonstone with their dragons and Kingsguard, where they married in secret. Rogar and Alyssa arrived soon after, and after learning that the marriage had not yet been consummated, sought to annul the union. However, Jaehaerys threatened Rogar's knights with his Kingsguard, and Alyssa, wishing to avoid bloodshed, convinced her husband to return to King's Landing.

Lord Rogar felt humiliated for being forced to back down at Dragonstone, and intended to return with more men and take the fortress by storm, until Alyssa reminded him that her children had dragons. When Alyssa wished to return to Dragonstone alone to beg her children to return, Rogar forbade her, saying that if she did so, Jaehaerys would never listen to her again, and end up the same sort of weak and wilful king as his father Aenys Targaryen.

Alyssa finally gave in and told the small council that they must accept the marriage and prepare to deal with the consequences. However, Rogar furiously berated his wife before the council, calling her weak and sentimental, and urging them to put aside Jaehaerys and send him to Oldtown to become a maester. When he was asked if he wished to claim the Iron Throne for himself, Rogar denied the idea, and said his choice was Princess Aerea, the daughter of Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaena, saying that she would be supported by Rhaena and her dragon. However, Rogar's efforts failed, with the council shocked by his words towards his wife, and dismayed by the thought of another war between dragonriders. Queen Regent Alyssa demanded his resignation as Hand, quickly supported by Lord Qarl Corbray and the entire council. Furious, Rogar departed King's Landing with his brothers, albeit with half as many men as when they arrived. The bitter quarrel with his wife destroyed any affection Lord Rogar had for her.