The Daughters of Alysanne & Jaehaerys I

The Daughters of Alysanne & Jaehaerys I

Inspired by the ASoIaF characters.
CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider

The purple eyes are an edit of the Simulantity_NDEyes and they are not included in the download. Alyssa's Green Eye comes from Pralinesims' MM N05 Treasure Heterochromia Eyes, which is also not included in this download. And the dimples Maegelle & Saera have are both from Pralinesims' Aurion N07 Dimples.

from the "Official" Website


The second-born child an first daughter, she was a happy child, endlessly curious and utterly fearless, a delight to all who knew her. Daenerys was a lively, laughing child. She was often mud-spattered and grass-stained. She was seen as "the darling of the realm", and considered a great beauty. [...] Queen Alysanne believed that Daenerys, as the eldest of their three living children, should be the king's heir and first in line to the throne. King Jaehaerys, however, regarded Prince Aemon as his heir since the day he had been born. Though Alysanne would voice her displeasure about this to the king, reminding him that Daenerys was older and should therefore be queen, Jaehaerys would reply telling her that Daenerys would become queen after she married Aemon, and rule the kingdoms by his side. According to Grand Maester Benifer, the king's response would not entirely please Alysanne.

Princess Daenerys became one of the many victims of the Shivers in 60 AC. Early in the year, she woke her mother during the night complaining of feeling cold. All that could be done was done for her. She was given poultices, hot soups and scalding baths, blankets, furs, hot stones, nettle tea, mother's milk. Septons and septas prayed, and maesters came and went, but her shivering grew worse. Near dawn, King Jaehaerys insisted that his daughter needed a dragon and had ravens sent to Dragonstone, instructing the Dragonkeepers to immediately bring a hatchling to the Red Keep. It was too late. Daenerys died a day and a half after she had first complained of feeling cold.


The fifth-born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen [...] was a dragonrider whose dragon was Meleys, the Red Queen.

As a baby, Alyssa resembled her deceased sister Daenerys, but this resemblance faded as Alyssa aged. She became long-faced and skinny. She had dirty blond tangled hair, without a trace of silver. She had mismatched eyes, one violet, the other green. She had big ears and a lopsided smile. At the age of six she broke her nose, which healed crooked. In her character, Alyssa took after her brother Baelon. As a child, she did not act like a girl. She would dress in boy's clothes whenever possible, and preferred to ride, climb, and duel with wooden swords over more lady-like activities, and shunned the company of girls. She had a warrior's heart, according to Archmaester Gyldayn. Alyssa was strong, quick, and spirited. She loved to boast that she was "as bawdy a wench as any barmaid in King's Landing".

In 83 AC, Alyssa was announced to be pregnant again. She gave birth the next year, to another son, Aegon. The labor was long and difficult and Alyssa never fully recovered from the childbirth. She died within a year, at the age of twenty-four. Aegon died half a year later, not yet even a year old. Alyssa's death shattered Baelon.


The sixth born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. As a girl, Princess Maegelle was gentle, quiet, studious, and exceedingly bright, and was said to read from the Seven-Pointed Star every night before sleep, and was eager to take the vows. She was known for her compassion, and her gift for healing. Maegelle also attached herself to her elder sister, Princess Alyssa, much as Alyssa herself had done to Prince Baelon when she was younger. Alyssa did the best she could to evade Maegelle, bristling at "the baby" at her skirts. Later, she was the guiding star of her younger sister, Daella

Maegelle was promised to the Faith of the Seven in 73 AC at the age of ten as a novice and eventually became a septa. Queen Alysanne announced that this was in thanks for the Mother blessing her with many children.

When Princess Daella was failing to agree to a suitable match, Maegelle told her mother that the Faith would not want her if she stayed unmarried, as Princess Daella could not read her prayers.

After her sister Saera was involved in a scandal, it was announced that Maegelle was to take charge of her instruction as a novice silent sister.

In 87 AC, Maegelle took leave from her sept to stay with her grieving mother, who had lost her daughters Alyssa, Daella, and Viserra in the space of five years. In 89 AC, Jaehaerys visited his daughter in Oldtown during the First Quarrel. It was Maegelle who helped reconcile the king and queen in 90 AC, telling her father to conciliate with Alysanne in time for the wedding of her niece, Rhaenys. Maegelle also played a role in the Second Quarrel, which had begun in 92 AC, when her father, King Jaehaerys I, chose Maegelle's brother, Prince Baelon, as his heir over Maegelle's niece, Princess Rhaenys. This decision angered Queen Alysanne, as she felt there was no reason to favor a man over a woman. Maegelle brought the two back together, solving the Quarrel in 94 AC

Maegelle nursed children afflicted with greyscale, but became afflicted with greyscale herself and died in 96 AC.


The eighth-born child. She was married to Lord Rodrik Arryn, with whom she had one child, Aemma Arryn (Rhaenyra's mother). She was small of stature: on her toes she stood five feet and two inches. Everyone who met her judged her younger than she was in truth, as there was a childish aspect to her. Her mother, Queen Alysanne Targaryen, described Daella as "my little flower". As she grew to maidenhood she was described as pretty, enough to attract the attention of young lords, but wasn't singled out as exceptionally beautiful.

Daella was considered sweet, kind, and gentle, with a tender heart. However, she was also a delicate and shy, tongue-tied girl, who was easily frightened and quick to cry. She liked flowers but was afraid of gardens, bees, and cats. But the princess was not clever. Although she could read, Daella could only do so haltingly, and without full comprehension. She did not speak until she was almost two years of age. She was unable to memorize even the simplest prayers. Daella had a sweet voice, but was afraid to sing, being unable to recall the correct words. The mildest scolding would reduce Daella to tears.

Daella worshiped her mother, Queen Alysanne, and liked her sister, Princess Maegelle. She was terrified of her other sister, Princess Alyssa, and frightened of her brother, Prince Vaegon.

On the first day of 80 AC, King Jaehaerys told Queen Alysanne that he wanted Daella wed before the year was over, declaring he no longer cared to whom she was wed. Alysanne, worried that Daella would not accept a husband, inquired what would happen to her if she failed the deadline, as joining the Faith was not an option, since they did not accept a girl that could not read the prayers. In response, Jaehaerys proposed the silent sisters, imploring Alysanne not to let it come to that. Alysanne explained to Daella what Jaehaerys had commanded, and allowed her to choose between three men: Boremund Baratheon, the Lord of Storm's End, Ser Tymond Lannister, the heir to Casterly Rock, and Rodrik Arryn, the Lord of the Eyrie. Daella eventually chose Lord Rodrik, declaring to Alysanne that he seemed “good and wise, like Father". Daella and Lord Rodrik Arryn were married before the year turned in a small ceremony in the sept on Dragonstone in front of a small crowd. As Daella had declared that she could not stand the shame of a bedding ceremony, there was no bedding following the wedding. Afterwards, Daella accompanied Rodrik to the Eyrie, where she met his children. Although she immediately clashed with Elys Arryn, the eldest, she became fond of the younger three, and they of her. Meanwhile, as he had promised, Rodrik was kind and caring to Daella, and pampered and protected her, calling her "my precious princess." From time to time, Daella sent letters to Queen Alysanne Targaryen, written by Lord Rodrik's younger daughter, Amanda, in which she spoke of how happy she was.

In 82 AC, after a year and a half of marriage, Daella wrote to her mother in her own hand to inform her of her pregnancy, telling her mother that she was frightened and asking her to come. Alysanne flew to her daughter on Silverwing, arriving three months before Daella was due. Alysanne remained with Daella until she gave birth. Daella went into labor a fortnight too early, and had a long and troubled labor. Although her daughter, Aemma Arryn, was healthy, childbed fever began soon after the birth. Her fever only grew worse, and Daella eventually died, at the age of eighteen.


The ninthborn child and fifthborn daughter, Saera was a pretty girl & taller than Daella. She was a courageous and clever, girl, in her own way as clever as her brother Vaegon. She was just as strong, quick and spirited as her sister Alyssa. Saera was tempestuous, demanding, and disobedient. Her first word was "no", which she said often and loudly. She was very vocal about wanting her mother's milk and became furious whenever another wet nurse was dismissed. Queen Alysanne is known to have compared Saera in her temperament to her cousin Aerea Targaryen. According to Archmaester Gyldayn, however, Aerea had been very well-behaved compared to Saera. Saera was a fierce and stubborn young girl who thrived upon attention and became bad-tempered whenever she did not receive any.

It was difficult to resist Saera when she wanted to be charming. Saera quickly learned how to get anything she wanted from her father. However, she could not as easily manipulate her mother, Queen Alysanne. Although her eldest two brothers, Aemon and Baelon, were always amused by Saera's mischiefs, they never knew the worst of them, and according to Septon Barth, Saera's sisters all disliked her to various degrees. According to Grand Maester Elysar, by the age of two Saera knew exactly what she wanted, and when she wanted it (“now”). According to Barth, however, who observed Saera at the age of twelve, Saera took it for her due that her every need was seen to, and desired to be the firstborn, or even the king's only child. As the ninthborn, however, with six living siblings to contest with, Saera desired attention and comfort, yet would often find herself ignored.

After the scandal and her running away, Alysanne would write to Saera every now and then, although Saera would never reply. Saera, infamous but wealthy, left Lys for Volantis a few years before 99 AC. In Volantis, she became the proprietor of a famous pleasure house. When King Jaehaerys called a Great Council in 101 AC to settle the matter of his succession, three bastard sons of Saera - each fathered by a different man, one by a Triarch of Volantis - came to press their claims. Saera herself, though only thirty-four, decided not to press her own claim, boasting she had "her own kingdom" in Volantis. One of her bastard sons was said to be the very image of Jaehaerys in his youth.

On his deathbed in 103 AC, King Jaehaerys sometimes mistook Lady Alicent Hightower, his caretaker, for his daughters. Near the end, he grew convinced that Alicent was Saera, returned from across the sea.


The tenth-born child, Viserra was the most beautiful of Queen Alysanne Targaryen's daughters. She had deep purple eyes and silver-gold hair, flawless white skin, and fine features.

Viserra was a vain girl. Once, when a young squire called her a goddess, she simply agreed with him. The attention of great lords, famous knights, and callow boys fed her vanity until it "became a raging fire". Viserra delighted in playing one boy off against another and setting them on foolish quests or having them perform contests. She was also a wild, high-spirited girl. Described as sly, and had a grace that was uncanny and unsettling in someone as young as she was, according to Alysanne, Viserra desired to become a queen, and therefore aimed to marry her brother Baelon, not for love but for ambition.

In 87 AC, not long after the incident with Baelon, as arrangements were being made for Viserra's departure to White Harbor, Viserra traded clothes with one of her maids and escaped her guards. She slipped from the Red Keep for "one last night of laughter" with her companions, two minor lordlings and four young knights. Near midnight the princess and her remaining companions raced back to the Red Keep. At the foot of Aegon's High Hill, Viserra's palfrey collided with the mare of one of her companions. Viserra was thrown from her saddle into a wall, and she died of a broken neck at the age of fifteen.


The thirteenth and last child, Gael was also called the Winter Child for being born during a winter year. As a babe, she was small and pale and grew to be a shy and sweet girl, although simple-minded and frail. (According to some, the name was because Queen Alysanne was "in the winter of her childbearing years", 44 years old at the time of Gael's birth.) Gael was cared for by Grand Maester Elysar and Septa Lyra, who nursed her through her first year.

After her sisters Alyssa, Daella, and Viserra had died within the span of five years (82–87 AC), Gael became a comfort for her mother Queen Alysanne, along with her older sister Maegelle. Gael became Alysanne's constant shadow, and even slept with her in her bed.

In 99 AC, Gael disappeared from court. It was announced that she had died of a summer fever. After the deaths of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, it was revealed that Gael had been seduced and impregnated by a traveling singer. Gael had given birth to a stillborn son, and overwhelmed by her grief, she had walked into Blackwater Bay and drowned.

According to some, Queen Alysanne never recovered from losing Gael. Following Gael's death, Alysanne could no longer stand to be in King's Landing and at the Red Keep. Alysanne herself would die less than a year after Gael, in 100 AC.