The Sons of Alysanne & Jaehaerys I

The Sons of Alysanne & Jaehaerys I

Inspired by the ASoIaF characters.
CC Heavy (list in .txt file, noncomprehensive)

(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider

The purple eyes are an edit of the Simulantity_NDEyes and they are not included in the download. 

from the "Official" Website


The firstborn child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Aegon was born too early and died three days after being born. He was named in honor of both Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Uncrowned. Alysanne blamed her son's early birth and subsequent death on the women who had attacked her at Jonquil's Pool at Maidenpool, believing that if she had she been allowed to bathe in the pool and its healing waters, Aegon would have lived.


The thirdborn child, Aemon was married to Lady Jocelyn Baratheon, his aunt (Jaehaerys & Alysanne's younger sister by Rogar Baratheon). Together, they had a daughter, Princess Rhaenys. Aemon was a dragonrider whose mount was Caraxes. 

He had eyes "as pale as lilac". His hair was a rare color, rare even in Old Valyria: it was pale, and shone like white gold. Aemon was tall and handsome, even as a boy of seven. He was taller than his younger brother Baelon, and stronger. By the time Aemon was fifteen years old, he was six feet and two inches tall. As a young child, Aemon was very serious, cautious, careful, and obedient. Before he was able to read, he loved being read to. His mother Alysanne would often say, while laughing, that Aemon's first word had been, "Why?". Aemon was a modest child, and neither as quick nor as fierce as his brother Baelon was, but he was fast friends with his brother and would train with him in the yard. They were evenly matched against each other, and their contests were very spirited, always drawing crowds of onlookers.

At first, Aemon was shy around dragons, although he would eventually claim Caraxes as his own mount.

In 62 AC, King Jaehaerys formally granted the seven-year-old Aemon the title of Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the throne. At the feast that followed Aemon's appointment, Queen Alysanne sat Aemon beside Lady Jocelyn Baratheon. The two children spent the entire evening talking and laughing together. King Jaehaerys had originally wished for Aemon to marry his older sister, Daenerys. After Daenerys's death in 60 AC, Jaehaerys came to consider his second daughter, Alyssa, but that idea had been discouraged by Queen Alysanne, who had noted Alyssa's interest in Baelon. As such, in 68 AC, Aemon's betrothal to Lady Jocelyn was announced. They were married two years later, in a ceremony as grand as the Golden Wedding.

In 92 AC, Aemon led the assault on the Myrish pirates who had conquered the eastern half of Tarth during the struggle known as the Myrish Bloodbath. Aemon left for Tarth on the ninth day of the third month that year, shortly after learning that his daughter Rhaenys was pregnant with her first child. Aemon arrived before the fleet of his son-by-marriage, Lord Corlys Velaryon. On Tarth, Aemon met with Lord Cameron Tarth in the mountains located at the center of the island, where the Lord of Tarth had made camp. A pair of Myrish scouts eventually discovered the camp, and recognized Lord Cameron. One of them took a shot at Lord Cameron with his crossbow. Although he missed Lord Tarth, Aemon, who had been standing by Lord Cameron's side, was struck in his throat, and drowned in his own blood.


Also known as the Spring Prince for the season of his birth (in 57 AC, two days after the start of spring had been announced by the Citadel) and the Brave, Baelon was the fourth born child. He had three sons himself, Princes Viserys, Daemon and Aegon. Baelon was a dragonrider whose mount was Vhagar. At birth, Baelon was smaller than his older brother, Aemon. He was louder and lustier, however.

Baelon admired his older brother Aemon growing up. As soon as Baelon could walk, he began following Aemon around everywhere he went. When Aemon began training at arms with a wooden sword, Baelon was deemed to be too young to join. Regardless, Baelon brought a stick to the yard, and began whacking at Aemon. The first time Baelon visited the Dragonpit, he hit Balerion on the snout, causing Ser Samgood of the Kingsguard to remark that he was either brave or mad. Ever since, Baelon was also known as Baelon the Brave.

Baelon had always been close to his sister Alyssa, and married her in 75 AC. The sounds that came from their bedchamber during the bedding were a great amusement to the wedding guests. Their first child, a son who they named Viserys (possibly in honor of their late uncle), was born in 77 AC. Their second son, Daemon, was born in 81 AC. When Alyssa became pregnant for a third time, Baelon told his brother Aemon he was praying for a daughter. In 84 AC, Alyssa gave birth to a son, Aegon, after a difficult labor. Alyssa did not recover from Aegon's birth, however, and died within six months. Aegon died half a year later, just shy of his first nameday. Her death devastated Baelon, who always continued to honor her memory.

Baelon was named Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the throne by King Jaehaerys after Aemon's death, ahead of Aemon's daughter and heir, Princess Rhaenys. In 100 AC, Baelon was named Hand of the King, replacing Ser Ryam Redwyne of the Kingsguard.

In 101 AC, Baelon complained of a stitch in his side during a hunting trip. The pain worsened after he returned to King's Landing, and he eventually became bedridden in the Tower of the Hand. After five days of illness, Baelon died of a burst belly. His funeral pyre was personally lit by his father, King Jaehaerys.


The seventhborn child, he was also called Vaegon the Dragonless and became an archmaester at the Citadel. 

Vaegon had the silver-gold hair and purple eyes of the Targaryens. However, he could not be described as "comely": he had a long face and round shoulders, even at a young age. He always had a pinched sour cast to his mouth. He was never robust. People considered him to be sour. He was not a coward, but neither took joy from the play of squires and pages. He was a miserable fighter, and not well-trained at arms. He was a bookish boy and much preferred the library, where he could often be found. Books were his only passion. He was quiet and wary as a boy. Even as a child, Vaegon was not well-liked, something which did not change over time. When he had to speak he was often blunt, though never intentionally cruel: he always dutifully performed perfunctory courtesies, but no more. Near the age of forty, Vaegon had become pale and frail. He was devoted to alchemy, astronomy, mathematics, and other arcane arts. As an archmaester at the Citadel, Vaegon held the ring, rod, and mask of yellow gold.

Although he would write to his parents on occasion, his words dutiful, there was no warmth to the letters. By the end of Jaehaerys's reign, Vaegon's existence had been largely forgotten by most of the Seven Kingdoms. After the death of Prince Baelon, King Jaehaerys I's heir to the throne, King Jaehaerys summoned Vaegon back to King's Landing. According to some, Jaehaerys summoned Vaegon to offer him the throne (which Vaegon refused), according to others Jaehaerys only sought Vaegon's counsel on the matter of succession. It was Vaegon who eventually suggested that the king should call a Great Council to settle the issue.


The eleventh child, when he was born, Gaemon was a scrawny thing, almost half the size his brother Vaegon had been at birth. He was named after Gaemon the Glorious, the greatest of the Lords of Dragonstone before the Conquest. But he was born early following a long and difficult labor and died short of the new year, less than three months old.


Valerion was born as their 12th child in 77 AC after a troubled labor that left his mother bedridden for half a year. He was small at birth, similar to his brother Gaemon. The sickly babe was attended by half a dozen nurses. However, he died the following year, a fortnight (2 weeks) before his first nameday.