Twilight Characters

Twilight Characters


CC-Heavy (the link to cc used is at bottom--a non exhaustive list)

Required Packs: Vampires

List of Sims

(adapted from the index at the end of Breaking Dawn bk)

*The exact looks that come from the skins REQUIRE this retired mod I made but it won't break the tray files if you don't.

The Cullens

  • Carlisle Cullen -- Esme Cullen
  • Edward Cullen*
  • Rosalie Hale -- Emmett Cullen
  • Alice Cullen* -- Jasper Hale*

The Swans

  • Bella Swan*
  • Charlie Swan *-/- Renee Dwyer*
  • Renee Dwyer* -- Peter Dwyer
  • Helen Swan

The Black Family

  • Jacob Black
  • Billy Black -- Sarah Black
  • Rachel Black
  • Rebecca Black -- Solomon Finau

 *Wheelchair is just a regular object*

The Clearwaters

  • Sue Clearwater--Harry Clearwater
  • Leah Clearwater
  • Seth Clearwater

The Pack(s) and Other Tribespeople (they are not made Werewolves)

  • Sam Uley ~ Emily Young
  • Jared Cameron ~ Kim
  • Paul Lahote
  • Brady Fuller
  • Collin Littlesea
  • Quil Ataera
  • Embry Call

The Humans of Forks

  • Jessica Stanley
  • Angela Weber
  • Ben Cheney
  • Mike Newton
  • Tyler Crowley
  • Lauren Mallory

James' Coven (2 Versions: Books vs Movies)

  • James* -- Victoria*
  • Laurent

The Volturi (Coven)

  • Aro* -- Sulplicia
  • Caius -- Athenodora
  • Marcus* -- Didyme*

The Volturi (Guard)

  • Jane*
  • Alec*
  • Demetri*
  • Felix
  • Heidi*
  • Chelsea* -- Afton*
  • Corin*
  • Santiago

Victoria's Former Coven

  • Hilda
  • Anne
  • Nicola 

Victoria's Newborn Army

  • Riley
  • Bree
  • Fred*
  • Diego
  • Steve -- Shelly
  • Raoul
  • Kristie

The Alaskan Coven/The Denalis

  • Tanya
  • Kate*
  • Irina
  • Eleazar* -- Carmen
  • Sasha
  • Vasilii

The Mexican Coven & Maria's Past Covens

  • Maria
  • Maria's Very First Coven Members -----> Includes her Dead Mate, or Lover
  • Nettie
  • Lucy
  • *These women's three canonically dead mates

Peter & Charlotte

The Irish Coven

  • Siobhan* -- Liam
  • Maggie*

The Egyptian Coven

  • Amun -- Kebi
  • Benjamin* -- Tia

The Amazon Coven

  • Zafrina*
  • Senna
  • Kachiri

The Romanian Coven

  • Stefan
  • Vladimir
  • And their two canonically dead mates

The Nomads

  • Garrett
  • Alistair*
  • Randall
  • Mary
  • Makenna -- Charles*
Some CC and Mods You'll Need

This Mod -- RETIRED (for some custom traits & features to appear, but if you don't want to play a Twilight Gameplay and just want the characters, don't download it.) 

Some CC

Presets/Sliders NEEDED for the Heights