Blessings and Curses

Blessings and Curses


Blessings and Curses

This mod adds a random chance to gain a random buff or debuff every X amount of days. The random days are configurable via json files. This mod contains over 28+ buffs/debuffs. On average each buff last 15mins, Some may be lessened. Your Buff will only last the day it was given. Sleep resets the buff.

This Mod will also add Augments to the mine shaft. These augments will make the mine shaft easier or harder based on the augment chosen. You get an Augment every 5 levels. Configurable via config.

This mod runs with out a Linked Twitch account, It will still either give you a buff or a debuff. If you are a streamer and connect an account & channel name, Chat will be able to choose what buff/debuff you get. What is chosen will be from 3 randomly selected buffs/debuffs.