Cannabis Kit

Cannabis Kit


Great news! Mayor Lewis has announced new legislation, making it legal to grow and sell Cannabis products in Pelican Town.

Requires Content Patcher, and Mail Framework Mod

Create your own medicinal compounds. Pierre, Harvey, Gus, and Krobus, now sell various new items and recipes.

- Adds more than 10 new unique crops, and consumables. The items can be used, sold, or gifted around town.
- Place 5 fresh produce into the new Dehydrator machine to create Dried Artisan goods.
Some objects take longer to dry than others, between 3-5 in-game hours.
- *NEW* Hemp crop for industrial use. Place 5 Hemp into Recycler for Fiber, Oil Extractor, Dehydrated Wood, and spun on the Loom machine.
- Pierre now sells Tobacco products. (The Townsfolk have to get it from somewhere?)
- Harvey dispenses smokables and other medicinal ingredients 

- Once you have unlocked each of the unique crafting recipes from Harvey, he will send a gift to make quality Smokables (*Requires MFM*)
- Gus sells edibles 

- Krobus has a unique item just for some fun, enjoy!

Suggestions, Feedback or bug reports are highly appreciated. Please refer to Nexus, or visit my Discord page (NecroCrab's Mods)

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