


ChestEx lets you give names and descriptions to chests, change their size and colour in a way never seen before!

How to install?

  1. Install the latest version of SMAPI.
  2. Unzip the mod folder into "Stardew Valley/Mods".
  3. Run the game using SMAPI.
  4. Enjoy the wonders of modern technology!
  5. Endorse the mod if you liked it. :)

Technical stuff:

  • Works with the latest version of Stardew Valley (v1.5.6).
  • Works with existing saves.
  • Works in both single-player and multiplayer (Everyone can name chests and change their description and colours. Only the host can change row and columns size!).
  • Fully compatible with Automate.
  • Fully compatible with ChestsAnywhere.
  • Fully compatible with Better Junimos.
  • Fully compatible with UI Info Suite. (Use this unofficial update for SV1.5+)
  • Fully compatible with Convenient Chests. (Use this unofficial update for SV1.5+)
  • Fully compatible with Remote Fridge Storage.
  • Fully compatible with all UI recolour mods!
  • Should be compatible with (not tested) Custom Farming Redux.
  • NOT compatible with Colorful Chests, as this mod already adds a new color picker.
  • NOT compatible with Expanded Fridge, as this mod already modifies fridge size.
  • NOT compatible with Expanded Storage or Vanilla Expanded Storage, as this mod already modifies storage.