Custom Bush

Custom Bush


Custom Bush is a framework which allows custom bushes to be added to the game which work like the tea sapling.

Custom Bush is safe to add/remove at any time. Custom bushes added by this mod will revert to regular tea bushes if Custom Bush is removed from your game.

Custom Bushes are loaded using Content Patcher. Check out some of the existing mods under Requirements for an example of how to add your own custom bushes.

Feature Mods:
Cornucopia - More Crops
Cornucopia - More Flowers
Growable Forage and Crop Bushes

Feel free to visit me on my Discord server for announcements and early access to beta releases of my mods.
You're also welcome to seek support or submit issues there. You can also find me on the Stardew Valley discord in #making-mods (LeFauxMatt).