Customize Starting Health and Stamina

Customize Starting Health and Stamina


The power is in  your hands!  Do you want to start the game being able to Tank a Meteor in the face?  Or perhaps given the stamina to plow the whole Valley with no rest?  Maybe you want it the other way.. Where you can be taken down by a slime.. or have only enough energy for a few things a day.  This mod allows you to give yourself the starting HP and Stamina of your choice by editing a simple config file.  


  • Download and Install SMAPI
  • Download this mod and place it in your Mods folder
  • ???
  • Enjoy

Within the mod's folder there is a config.json.  Simply open it and you will see the following:

 "MaxHP": 150,
 "MaxST": 300

Change the values as you please, but remember the default values for the game is 100 for HP and 270 for stamina. 
The Changes take effect on the first load of your save or start of a new game.  It will NOT work again per save.
If you do want to change your HP and Stamina during the game you can use the console commands added:

  • setmaxHP
  • addhp
  • setmaxStam
  • addStam

They are self-explanatory so you should have no trouble figuring out what to use.