

Hi, I am Max!

I am the author of DeepWoods. This mod has come a long way since the first release in 2018, and I am so glad you are part of this journey!

For the latest release and a major announcement watch my latest video here!

If you want to stay up-to-date join my Discord Server Max Makes Mods, subscribe to my Youtube channel, and if you can, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi or Patreon. Thank you!


Will there be an update for DeepWoods? Yes! PLEASE STOP ASKING

When? I do not know. PLEASE STOP ASKING

I am doing my best to update the mod in a timely manner, but the constant question pings, bug reports, direct messages etc only stress me. You are not making me faster, you are not magically acquiring any secret information, you are just depleting my spoons. Please understand that you are not "just one person asking", you are 1000 people asking. Stop.


What's in the current update (3.1.0-beta)?

    Fixed splitscreen multiplayer
    Fixed crash bug in
    infested levels
    in multiplayer
    Fixed WoodsObelisk not becoming available if reaching level 20 before having magic ink
    Fixed an exploit with the Woods Obelisk
    Added minecart to root level (activates when first entering the level, if minecarts are unlocked)
    Horses lost in DeepWoods now return to their stable
    Book shelves in the hut now give in-universe clues
    Infested levels now have orb stones, clearing them activates orb stones in root level
    (This is purely visual, no functionality yet)
    Added fruit trees and extra forageables to config.json
    Removed small signs from deeper levels (broke immersion)
    Removed "Mod Info" button from all interactive menus, except the big wooden sign.
    Updated some translations

What is DeepWoods?

In short: Something similar to the mines, but with wood instead of stones as the major regrowing resource. I call it DeepWoods, because it is big and has a lot of things to discover.

It's also a dangerous place, meant to enhance late game. If you are early in the game, do not try to explore the forest. You have been warned.

Fun facts

    The forest is  completely generated on the fly while playing, there are no map files. This means that the forest is different for every game, with great replayability.
    It's fully compatible with multiplayer. You can explore the forest with your friends!
    [list] Sadly, split-screen co-op is broken. Be assured that I am looking into a fix!
The forest makes heavy use of luck modifiers and player combat levels, to create the best experience for everyone.
The forest is highly configurable, all values and settings it uses for level generation, resource placements, monster strengths etc. are in a config file in the mod folder. While not recommended for everyone, I still encourage you to play around with the config.json in the mod folder.

⚡️ Compatibility with other mods

I am not actively testing compatibility myself, but I will add more mods as information from users piles up. Thanks to everyone who tests and reports these!

    Stardew Valley Expanded ✔️ Fully compatible.
    Expanded Woods ✔️ Fully compatible.
    Extended Minecart ✔️ Fully compatible.
    Save Anywhere ❌ Broken, nothing I can fix. Save Anywhere doesn't report save events correctly, causing crashes when used with DeepWoods.
    MTN2 ✔️ Fully compatible.
    MTN1 ⚠️Only compatible in singleplayer. Not compatible in multiplayer as it breaks the SMAPI network API. (If you use an old version of DeepWoods, 1.3-beta.17 and earlier, you can use the for playing in multiplayer. Later versions rely on the SMAPI multiplayer API.)
    Even More Secret Woods ⚠️ Both mods edit the same section in the "Woods" map. It's possible to enter the Deep Woods, but when exiting you are trapped in a secret pathway belonging to the other mod. shiorinr made a patch that allows to exit the pathway: A readme with instructions is included in the file.

Version history

Please see the release notes on Github.


Where can I find the entrance to the DeepWoods forest?

Minor spoiler:
Secret Woods.

Medium spoiler:

Vanilla: There is a secret area in the secret woods. The exit that leads to the DeepWoods forest is hidden there.
SVE: There is an exit marked with blue torches in the top left of the map.

Major spoiler:

Vanilla: Tile locations [29,24] and [29,25] are usually walls, but are now open. Tile locations [24, 32] to [28, 32] are warps to the DeepWoods forest. (Southern border.) See screenshot:
SVE: Same coordinates as Vanilla, but the map layout is different, so the location might not be obvious at first. If you walk to the top left of the map you should find the exit.

How deep does it go?

Minor spoiler:
There is no theoretical limit, however as with the skull cavern, there is a practical one.

Medium spoiler:
After reaching a specific level in the DeepWoods forest, you will get a letter from the Wizard that might help.

Major spoiler:
If you have unlocked the wizard's magic buildings, you will get a letter from the Wizard after reaching level 20. After that you can buy a Woods Obelisk in the Wizard Tower, which allows you to warp into the DeepWoods forest as deep as you have gotten already. The obelisk works similar to the mines elevator, however unlike the elevator it can only be used to enter the forest, not to leave it, and not to travel within different forest levels once you are in.

What does getting lost mean?

Minor spoiler:
Starting from level 2, it is possible to get lost. That means that going back will warp you to a new level, instead of to the previous one.

Medium spoiler:
Once lost, the only way to escape the forest is a warp totem or other item that allows warping.

Major spoiler:
Levels are shuffled at random time intervals between 30 and 90 ingame minutes. If you keep track of the time, you can prevent getting lost (you must be in level 1 when levels are shuffled, otherwise you get lost).

What dangers are lurking in the DeepWoods forest?

Minor spoiler:
The first level is generall save aside from a few harmless slimes. Deeper down there's the risk of getting lost, incredibly hard and buffed monsters, secrets that may affect your luck and other game mechanics and more. Be careful.

Medium spoiler:
Depending on your skills and equipment, in higher (lower?) levels, buffed monsters can easily one-shot kill you. It's generally better to have fast weapons (high speed) with strong knock back (high weight).

Major spoiler:
A tip how to use shuffling (the getting lost mechanic explained in the previous FAQ) to your strategic advantage: If you encounter buffed monsters that are too hard to kill, just leave the level and wait for the next shuffle. Levels (and the monsters within) get removed from the game if no player is in them.

What perks and benefits can I find in the DeepWoods forest?

Minor spoiler:
There is plenty of wood and hardwood even in the lower levels. The forest occasionally has flowers and fruit trees that grow out of season. The harder monsters drop valuable loot. Deeper down you will find plenty of riches and special perks.

Medium spoiler:
The deeper down you go, the more likely valuable resources become. After level 20 it is possible to encounter clearings. Clearings are free from monsters and have very special perks, items and resources.

Major spoiler:
Clearings may have:

    A treasure (gold ore, iridium ore, diamonds and other high value minerals, very low chance for prismatic shards, rare artefacts...).
    A ginger bread house that can be chopped down with the axe for food items.
    An iridium tree (a tree that chopped down gives plenty of iridium ore).
    A lake with a random rare fish.
    A fountain that heals and increases your luck buff.
    A unicorn that gives a stardrop (once) and increases your luck buff as well as daily luck (be vary though: if you scare it away, the weather changes to storm and your luck drops to minimum).
    A sword in the stone that can only be pulled out by the very best.

Treasures might be turned into garbage dumps depending on your luck.

Some more questions that are spoilers by themselves already:

How to get the sword in the stone? Is it even possible?

Minor spoiler:
[spoiler]Yes, it is possible. Due to a coding mistake, it's impossible in the current version of the mod. Sorry!

Medium spoiler:
You need to have specific goals in the game reached to be able to pull the sword.

Major spoiler:

    You need to have all skill levels maxed out.
    You need to have your luck buff set to 10. (This is impossible. In the next version this will be corrected to 8 which you can achieve with luck buffs. There are also things in the DeepWoods forest that allow you to achieve this.)
    Your daily luck needs to be 0.25 or higher (This is impossible. In the next version this will be corrected to 0.07 ("The spirits are very happy today!"))
    You need to have reached the bottom of the mines.
    You need to have completed the museum.
    You need to have completed the community center. (I have plans for Joja players to get the sword a different way.)
    You need to have all 4 candles lit on grandpa's grave.


How to not scare the unicorn?

Minor spoiler:
[spoiler]Think how you would avoid scaring a wild animal in real life.

Medium spoiler:
You need to walk slowly.

Major spoiler:
Your speed when walking close to the unicorn needs to be as slow as possible. No speed buffs, no running, no diagonal walking. The unicorn will get scared if you are running or if your walking speed is >= 3.


Is it possible to get through the thorny bushes blocking exits in higher levels?

Minor spoiler:

Medium spoiler:
With the right tools.

Major spoiler:
Iridium axe or bombs.


How can I support you?

You enjoying my mod is already a huge motivation and great support. I am grateful for everyone who shows appreciation in whatever way they can!

However if you can, I'd be eternally grateful for support over on Ko-Fi or Patreon. Thank you so much!

Please note that the mod will always be free. Donations won't speed up progress or change in any way my priorities, or pace of work.

I will add more questions as they come.

