Expanded Storage

Expanded Storage


Expanded Storage

Expanded Storage is a framework mod for adding new types of chests to the game.


Data Format

Field Description Type
Animation An optional animation style that causes the lid animation to constantly loop. Default "None". None or Loop
CloseNearbySound A sound to play if OpenNearby is true, and the lid closing animation is playing. Default "doorCreakReverse". Text
Frames The number of frames used for the lid animation. Default 1. Number
GlobalInventoryId An id that causes all chests created with the same id to share the same inventory. Text
IsFridge When true, items in the chest can be used for cooking. Default false. Boolean
ModData Mod data to add to chests when they are created. Dictionary
OpenNearby When true, the lid opening animation plays when the player is within 1 tile of the chest.. Default false. Boolean
OpenNearbySound A sound to play if OpenNearby is true, and the lid opening animation is playing. Default "doorCreak". Text
OpenSound A sound to play when the player opens a chest by clicking on it. Default "openChest". Text
PlaceSound A sound to play when the chest is placed in the world. Default "axe". Text
PlayerColor When true, allows the use of the color picker for the chest. Default false. Boolean
SpecialChestType Allows the chest to be created as one of the special chest types. Default "None". Another option is BigChest for the chests to be created as a large chest. Text
TintOverride A list of color values to customize the color picker with. (Requires Colorful Chests). List of Colors


Expanded Storage requires the sprite sheet to be in a specific layout.

  • Each sprite sheet can contain sprites for only one chest.
  • Each sprite is 16x32.
  • Lid animations go from left-to-right, and must match the number of Frames.
Row Description Required
1 The default sprite when a player color is not selected. Always
2 When a player color choice is selected, this sprite is tinted. Only if PlayerColor is true
3 When a player color choice is selected, this sprite is drawn above Row 2 without the tint Only if PlayerColor is true
4-23 Each of these corresponds to one of the color palette choices. When provided, this will be used instead of Row 3. Never


  "Format": "2.4.0",
  "Changes": [
      "LogName": "Load the custom chest",
      "Action": "EditData",
      "Target": "Data/BigCraftables",
      "Entrie": {
        "{{ModId}}_MyChest": {
          "Name": "MyChest",
          "DisplayName": "{{i18n: MyChest.name}}",
          "Description": "{{i18n: MyChest.description}}",
          "Texture": "{{InternalAssetKey: assets/MyChest.png}}",
          "CustomFields": {
            "furyx639.ExpandedStorage/IsFridge": "true",
            "furyx639.ExpandedStorage/PlayerColor": "true",
            "furyx639.ExpandedStorage/OpenSound": "Ship"


❌️ = Not Translated, ❔ = Incomplete, ✔️ = Complete

Expanded Storage
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