Free Love

Free Love


This mod replaces the basic functionality of Multiple Spouses for SDV 1.5.5+, as many things have changed with the new version. 

This mod only works with SDV 1.5.5 or higher. For older versions of SDV, use the Multiple Spouses mod.

This mod is meant to perform the core function of allowing multiple spouses and / or roommate + spouse combinations.


You can now change config variables using Generic Mod Config Menu.

Once you run the game with this mod, a config.json file will be created in the SDV folder at Mods\FreeLove\config.json. Exit the game and edit that file with a text editor.

  "EnableMod": true, - enable this mod
  "BuyPendantsAnytime": false, - pendants can be bought any time
  "PendantPrice": 5000, - pendants cost this much each
  "MinPointsToMarry": 2500, - 250 points per heart
  "MinPointsToDate": 2000, - 250 points per heart
  "DaysUntilMarriage": 3,
  "PreventHostileDivorces": false, - turns existing divorcees into friends, and prevents acrimonious divorce effects
  "ComplexDivorce": true - adds an option to the divorce menu for nuanced divorces
  "RoommateRomance": false, - lets your roommate function as an ordinary spouse, sleeping in your bed, etc.
  "RomanceAllVillagers": false, - don't expect this to do much - NPCs married this way will lack a lot of the data associated with being a spouse.
  "GayPregnancies": false, - switches dialogue for same-sex child events from adoption to pregnancy
  "ShowParentNames": false, - show the actual parent's name in parentheses after their name
  "SpouseSleepOrder": "", - comma separated list of names of spouses in the order they should be arranged in bed
  "PercentChanceForSpouseInBed": 25, - at start of day, leftover chance puts them randomly in the farmhouse
  "PercentChanceForSpouseInKitchen": 25, - at start of day, leftover chance puts them randomly in the farmhouse
  "PercentChanceForSpouseAtPatio": 25 - at start of day, leftover chance puts them randomly in the farmhouse


  • To switch which spouse is your official spouse (necessary for certain things, including which spouse room and which spouse patio to show), give a spouse a bouquet (it won't be consumed).
  • You cannot be engaged to two people at the same time.

Additional Functionality

Below is a list of current or in-the-works mods that add additional functionality to this one:

  • Hugs and Kisses - Allow NPC spouses to kiss each other, custom kiss sound, etc.
  • Custom Spouse Rooms - Show multiple spouse rooms, custom spouse room positions, etc.
  • Custom Spouse Patio Redux - Lets you set up patios for each spouse at once.
  • Bed Tweaks - Increase the bed size, bed sheet transparency
  • Weddings Tweaks - Have all existing spouses join your future weddings
  • Planned Parenthood - Initiate a pregnancy or adoption event with a specific spouse
  • Custom Kids Room - Increase number of cribs in kids' room, increase size of kids room (WIP)


Parts of this mod may not work properly in multiplayer.


Requires SMAPI, uses Harmony.

Compatible with Mod Updater for automatic updates.

Code is at

If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server.

A list of all my mods for Stardew Valley is available at