Ivy - NEW Custom NPC

Ivy - NEW Custom NPC


Ivy has lived in Zuzu city her whole life, only when it felt like  things were slowing down did she take an adventure to the valley. Bringing her laid-back slightly silly charm. She has many different reputations depending where she is, music lover, fantasy fanatic, <s>gambling addict</s>, but most importantly a wandering romantic... Experience this in her custom heart events, schedule, dialogue and gift tastes!
+She is marriable!

The Mod contains a .txt file that works as a little Mini Wiki for those that want to cheat, telling you all her gifts, event locations, schedule etc. But all this information is available in game! 

Content Patcher

Known Bugs:
-Ivy stays outside in the acid rain despite talking about how she wont go outside in it.

-Birthday: Spring 21
Find out more in the .txt file in the mod.

Credit to jazzybee for their portrait maker!
