Mouse Move Mode

Mouse Move Mode


Version 1.3.0: Remember to delete the old 1.2.9 config file if thing didn't work

  • Add path-finding to replace current movement implement
  • Add 2 more Option to: Limit the total game tile will be search through to find the path (default 500, normal map have 128x128 tile size), and showing mouse indicator (default true, because it hard to know where I clicking). Plus 1 option from version 1.2.9-c to fix mouse wheel to Zoom feel too slow.

Version 1.2.9:

  • Last stable version without path-finding support



  • Right-click or Holding right mouse will make the player move, holding move stop the player after release
  • Holding shift when riding will make right-click to be only move
  • Right-click too far from the player will perform an action on the pointed object when you come close
  • Press F6 for On/Off the Right mouse move mode in-game (auto On at start, can change in config)
  • Alt + Enter to change between fullscreen and window mode
  • Crtl + Wheeling will zoom in and out

Config file option

    "MouseWhellingZoomStep": 0.25,         (Increase it make wheel scroll quicker)
    "MouseWhellingMaxZoom": 2.0,
    "MouseWhellingMinZoom": 0.75,          (Extended Mode mouse wheel zooming cap)
    "FullScreenKeybindShortcut": "RightAlt + Enter"   (Some may want to use "F11")
    "ExtendedModeDefault": true,           (set it to false will disable Ctrl+Wheel and RightAlt+Enter)
    "RightClickMoveModeDefault": true,     (change it to 'false' will make the mod disable at startup)
    "RightClickMoveModeToggleButton": "G", (hotkey to enable/disable the mod in-game)
    "HoldingMoveOnly": true,               (only move player when holding right-mouse)
    "HoldTickCount": 15,                   (time of pressing mouse needed to be consider as holding)
    "StopAfterHold": true,                 (stop after holding move, set it to 'false' will make farmer keep moving to release possition)
    "WeaponsSpecticalInteraction": true,   (set it to 'false' disable the special handle for weapon)
    "WeaponsSpecticalInteractionType": 0,  (1 as default, value can be change to 0 1 2 3)
    "PathFindLimit": 500,                  (Limit the total game tiles will be search through)
    "ShowMousePositionHint": true          (Showing mouse indicator to control destination better)

WeaponsSpecticalInteraction: There is 3 mode to handle Special using right-click:

  • 0: No special handle for weapons: Right-click Special move only in a small radius (2 tiles) around the player
  • 1: Normal: Replicate the normal game, but the special move will interrupt the moving instead
  • 2: Disable Right-click Special move: press middle/X1 mouse or left-click on the farmer to perform weapons special move instead
  • 3: Disable Right-click Special move (new): press middle/X1 mouse to perform weapons special move


Are you bored with the mouse being quite useless and always have to stay close to your character? So do I, and because of that, I make a little mod to enhance mouse function.

Is this complete yet? Well, No for me It is almost stable as it is now you.

How to install

  • Step 1: Install SMAPI 4.1.1 or above
  • Step 2: Download the zip file, and Extract
  • Step 3: Place the folder that you get from step 2 to Stardew Valley/Mods
  • Step 4: Start complaining in the Post tab

You want to help me?

As a coder: This is the GitHub page of the mod project:
As a user: You can freely tell me your ideas about how/where this mod can improve :D

It my first time received a coffee cup from the mod, special thank for your donation, eh... Mr. Tandy, Mr. Sheradin