Orangeblossom's Not-So-Basic Kitchen

Orangeblossom's Not-So-Basic Kitchen



  • smapi
  • content patcher (for the kitchen replacement only)
  • calcifer (for the island and stools)
  • orangeblossom's furniture catalogue (for the island and stools)

Available colors:

  • Counter: white, green, blue, black, grey
  • Countertops: basic, birch, black, brown, chocolate brown, grey
  • Appliances: silver, silver2, black

Furniture list:

  • kitchen island (w/ and w/o sink in the middle)
  • stool

Important notes:

  • The kitchen island and stools can be found in my furniture catalogue.
  • You will need alternative textures to change the swatches of the kitchen island and stool (I also recommend using happy home designer because it integrates AT functionality even with custom catalogues like mine. If you have happy home designer installed, you won't need to interact with the object using the paint bucket; you can directly access the different swatches by interacting with my furniture catalogue instead).
  • You will need generic mod config menu (GMCM) to easily change the colors of the counters, countertops, and appliances. If you don't have GMCM, you can, of course, just mess with config.json.
  • Make sure 'KitchenAppliance' and 'KitchenApplianceOpenFridge' are set to the same swatch (e.g. both must be set to Black).


  • The kitchen might look cut-off in weird places if you use a farmhouse mod that alters the order of the kitchen tilesheets, or does not use the whole 4 or 5 tiles (that are grouped together) for the kitchen. For example, if the farmhouse mod you're using only uses 2 of the vanilla kitchen tiles, this mod will only show you the fridge.

my links: kofi patreon