Penny 8 Heart Event Adjusted

Penny 8 Heart Event Adjusted


Fixes the two things I kind of disliked about Penny's 8 heart

  • It could happen in the rain, which probably wouldn't be a very pleasant day for a picnic...
  • It made no sense if it happened after you had kids already.

It's mostly the same event, just with slight tweaks to take into account players having kids, and more slight adjustments for when the player is married to Penny. (Unfortunately, I don't think I can handle the case where ANY player is married to Penny without having to include a small C# component, but I am considering my options here.)

In honor of Penny and her love of kids, all donation points for this mod go to Child's Play. Like this mod? Please consider supporting them!

Want to translate this mod? Feel free to DM me about it, I'd love to see translations! I've set up i18n support for this mod, so see the wiki's translation guide for how to translate!

Github link.