Snowy Paths

Snowy Paths


A snow covered sign with 'Snowy Paths' on it, snow has fallen all over it, and infront of the sign itself is a golden glowing flower with the letters G and B underneath it as fallen petalsWelcome to Snowy Paths!

While I was playing SDV, I was fairly displeased to discover that the only change for the paths
in winter was that they were shifted to a slightly bluer color.

So, I finally decided to throw my hand into the modding ring.
This mod is a fairly simple one, all it does is give the Brick, Rustic, Stone, Stone Walkway,
Straw, Weathered, Wood, and Crystal floorings a more snowy appearance.

(Depending on the response I get for this mod, I might take a crack at the other floorings, or
even see if I can make other seasonal versions of this)


Content Patcher


1. Install the Latest version of SMAPI
2. Download and Unzip Content Patcher into  Stardew Valley/Mods
3. Download and Unzip Snowy Paths into Stardew Valley/Mods
Then Startup SDV via SMAPI and play! Everything should work well!

❂ Stardew Valley 1.5+
❂ Windows Vers
❂ Singleplayer

❂ Stardew Valley 1.4- (Unknown if Works)
❂ Linux & MacOS (Unknown if Works)
Multiplayer (Unknown if Works)
❂ Mobile
❂ Any sort of Mod that changes the paths