Tool Smart Switch

Tool Smart Switch


This mod checks when you use a tool whether the tool is appropriate for the target. If not, it will try to switch to another tool in the current
tool bar.

Tools will switch when used on the following if an appropriate tool exists in the current tool bar:

  • Stones (Pickaxe)
  • Sticks (Axe)
  • Weeds (Scythe)
  • Scythe Crops (Scythe)
  • Dry Tilled Farm Soil (Watering Can)
  • Artifacts Spots (Hoe)
  • Trees (Axe if mature, otherwise Scythe)
  • Stumps (Axe)
  • Boulders (Pickaxe)
  • Grass (Scythe)
  • Ore Panning Spots (Pan)
  • Watering Can Fill Spots (Watering Can)
  • Pet Bowls (Watering Can)
  • Water tiles (Fishing Rod) - this is ignored in favour of watering cans
  • Farm Animals (Shears or Milk Pail)
  • Monsters (Melee Weapon) - only if facing monster, default 128 pixels away or less
  • Tillable Soil (Hoe)

Auto-switching can be tweaked in the config.

You can set a toggle key to turn the mod on and off in the config.


You can customize this mod by editing the config file or using Generic Mod Config Menu.


Requires SMAPI.

Implements a Generic Mod Config Menu interface to change config settings in-game.

Compatible with Mod Updater for automatic updates.

Code is at

If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server.

A list of all my mods for Stardew Valley is available at