Zoom Level

Zoom Level

  • You can increase zoom level with , (comma) and decrease it with . (period)By holding Left Shift or Right Shift and using the controls above, you can change the UI Scale.
  • If you use a controller, you can also adjust it by pressing the left stick to decrease the zoom and right stick to increases the zoom. By holding Left Trigger & Right Trigger and using the controls above, you can change the UI Scale.

In-game settings

If you have the generic mod config menu installed, the configuration process becomes much simpler, you can click the cog button (⚙) on the title screen or the "mod options" button at the bottom of the in-game menu to configure the mod.


The mod creates a config.json file in its mod folder the first time you run it. You can open the file in a text editor like notepad to configure the mod.

Here's what you can change:

Player controls:

Setting Name

Default Value Description
KeybindListIncreaseZoomOrUI OemPeriod aka . or RightStick Key to Increase Zoom or UI Level.
KeybindListDecreaseZoomOrUI OemComma aka , or LeftStick Key to Decrease Zoom or UI Level.
KeybindListHoldToChangeUI LeftShift or RightShift or LeftTrigger and RightTrigger" Key you need to hold to change the UI.
KeybindListResetZoomOrUI null aka nothing Key to Reset the Zoom or UI Level.
KeybindListMaxZoomOrUI null aka nothing Key to Max the Zoom out or Maximize the UI.
KeybindListMinZoomOrUI null aka nothing Key to Max the Zoom in or Minimize the UI.
KeybindListToggleUI null aka nothing Keybinds to toggle the UI Visibility.
KeybindListToggleHideUIWithCertainZoom null aka nothing Keybinds to hides the UI at a certain Zoom Level.

Zoom and UI values:

Setting Name Default Value Description
ZoomLevelIncreaseValue 0.05 The amount of Zoom or UI Level increase.
ZoomLevelDecreaseValue -0.05 The amount of Zoom or UI Level decrease.
MaxZoomOutLevelAndUIValue 0.35 The value of the max Zoom out Level or Max UI.
MaxZoomInLevelAndUIValue -0.35 The value of the max Zoom in Level or Min UI.
ResetZoomOrUIValue 1.00 The value of the Zoom or UI level reset.
ZoomLevelThatHidesUI 0.35 The value of the Zoom level that hides the UI.

Other options:

Setting Name Default Value Description
SuppressControllerButton true If your controller inputs are suppressed or not.
ZoomAndUIControlEverywhere false If activated you can control your Zoom and UI Level anywhere.
IsHideUIWithCertainZoom false If activated your UI hides when it reaches a certain zoom level.