Adds agent alerts to character selection (login) and lair cooldowns to the lockout timer (shift-l) window. Supports an optional offline mission and agent cooldown viewer (packed separately, see below). The viewer app also provides some audio alerts; currently including agent mission completion and group finder pops.
IMPORTANT: Due to CurseForge policy, this download does not include the optional offline viewer application. It is available at Github as and is also included in the complete mod package there. If you want just the lair cooldown list, the viewer is not needed, but I suggest looking at LairCooldowns in Starfox's mod collection as a lighter-weight alternative (agent features not included).
Latest: v1.3.2 (Viewer v1.3.2; November 14, 2018)
Installation and Configuration: Unzip in the [GameDir]/Data/GUI/Custom/Flash directory and restart the client. This mod is almost stateless, with little configuration and no icon. To verify installation the chat command "/setoption emfListMods true" will output version information to system chat. To cache the data needed for offline and login alerts each character needs to be logged in after the mod has been installed.
The viewer executable requires v4.6 of the .net framework and should provide a notification if it is unavailable.
Additional Info: