OP player save file

OP player save file


Let me know if you guys want specific characters ei: ninja, golf, etc

Also check out my Terraria mod on curseforge terraria mod section: Cursed Sword Mod. It has one new sword for now but I will add more unique ones in the coming future. 

There is a hardcore, mediumcore, softcore, and journey mode (Everything is researched) version of the character. The items are either: Legendary, unreal or mythical. Items included in equips, Defender's forge, Bank, Safe, Void bag, and Inventory full of op stuff. All the mounts and pets will be in the defenders forge and void bag. All the yo-yos and a very rare and most op boots, the Terraspark boots: Search it up. Anyways have fun! Unzip the file, might need winrar please let me know if you guys have any questions regarding the player saves.