his is another project by ya boy pr0ph this time its a player mod!, This mod has all solar flare armour and weapons! if you want something else added ask me and it might be put in!
This is in alpha so don't expect everything to be there follow me so you can get notified by me when i update this player mod! Enjoy the mod and don't abuse it to much!
Install it to ====> \Documents\My Games\Terraria\Players if you dont have that just go to documents if there is no My Games folder (there probably will unless you deleted it!) Look for where your .plr's are located. And place the file in there. That's all enjoy!
1. Star Wrath - Sword
2. Solar Flare Pickaxe - Pickaxe
3. Solar Flare Hamaxe- Hamer/Axe
4. Solar Flare Helmet, Solar Flare Breastplate, Solar Flare Leggings, And Solar Flare Wings.
5. Life Fruit 4 stacks of 99
6. Demon Heart 4 stacks of 99
For more info please visit ===> http://terraria.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Flare_Armor
Join theese and support my teams mods
Discord ===> https://discord.gg/Vj6nQby
Steam Group ===> http://steamcommunity.com/groups/temosr
My Website ===> http://terrariamodders.enjin.com/
Submit a suggestion on the website and it might be approved and you will get a shout out!