Enchant Maker


Deutsch in einer zukünftigen Version. Français dans une version future.

Enchant Maker helps you make the enchants you want.

Enchant Maker allows you to search for enachants to make. It can also be setup to help you discover new translations.

Enchant Maker looks through your available runestones and uses your chosen filters, to make a comprehensive list of all the enchants you could make with those runestones. This list is shown in a window and you can click on an enchant to add the runestones to the enchanting table. If you use Enchant Maker away from an enchanting table you instead get more information about the clicked enchant. If you are unsure what the runestone does, you can right click it to see the translation.

To use Enchant Maker, simply use an enchanting table. Or you can type /enchantmaker anywhere to bring ut up.

If you have suggestions or find a bug, please don't hesitate to report it. And feel free to contact me on Twitter @phazeet.