


It is back!

This little Helper provides you with the ability to track your Gathering-Findings!

It records when you gather something and lets you find your way back to that specific node later on.

Trackable Things are:

- Plants
- Ores
- Wood
- Fibers/Cloth
- Water
- Runestones
- Treasure Chests / Lockbox

Once you harvested a node, the data will be stored and for the next few findings ignored
(since you don't want to be pointed back from where you just came).

After some findings (Default is 5 but you can increase the Amount in a dense vegetated area if you want to), these nodes will be activated again and shown on your little Compass.

The Compass lures you then with a pointing Arrow and a Color-Indicator to the nearest node - once you reach this node the Compass will search for the next node and point in its direction!

After having scanned a Map for a while you will be guided over the map straight to the points you search!

The Compass allows you to adjust the Settings for each of your Character individual so that you can search for Treasures on your little Nightblade whilst hunting for Plants and Water on your Main. Although the Settings are Char-Individual, the Nodes will be shared among them!

You can find the Settings in your Game-Settings under "LucysCompass".

Last but not least: This AddOn also comes with a tool for Analysis of your gathered Data and a Merge-Tool, which lets you merge your achieved Data with Others! The Analysis-Tool is basically a MiniMap that shows you the Nodes you harvested on a tiny, game-external Map. This gives you a visual feedback where you will be most successful while gathering your preferred Nodes and where you won't find many!

A structured textbased Data-Analysis can now be found in the Settings-Panel

Since this is programmed as an Overlay you can also view it ingame. (Java needed)

For the MiniMap instructions see the MiniMap-Readme
For the Merge instructions see the Merge-Readme

Revised and Updated to Version 3.0r

- Updated to run on 1.6.5
- Restructured Settings for more Convenience and further Options
- Implemented Distinguishing in Chest-Findings for the new Justice System
- Implemented Ingame-Data Analysis (Breakdown to Maps and Nodetypes)
- Implemented Intelligent Scaling for a better adaption to the Mapsize ingame.
- Total revision of the external Maptool for a lot better Performance
- 4 New Maps integrated in the Maptool (Betnikh, Bal Foyen, Cyrodiil, Craglorn)
- Included my own gathering-data (German) for patching (see merge-manual)
- Improved Overall-Performance

For further Information, Feedback, Ideas or else, feel free to write here or ingame: @KoshiroSensei

Happy Gathering!