SM Repair / Charge


Simple scaling window that shows items in need of repair with their durability and repair cost, and weapon enchant recharge level.


  • Movable Window Saves Position
  • Option to hide window
  • Only displays items below warning/critical level
  • Ordered list by condition
  • Adjustable Colors
  • Adjustable Warning/Critical Thresholds (increase warning to 100 to show all items)


  • Cost to repair equipped items
  • Option for auto-repair if below settable threshold (disabled by default)
  • Option to log on repair, gives total of repairs and per item

Weapon Charging:

  • Weapon enchant condition percent
  • Slash Command to fully charge worn item: /smr charge
  • Uses lowest quality gems to *fully charge
  • *Wont overcharge

    How charging works: To charge your main hand, type '/smr charge main'. This will use all of the worst quality gems you have to charge the item to as close to 100% without any waste of a gem.

Coming Soon:

  • Auto-Charging of weapons
  • Option to use only the highest quality gems
  • Basic localization
  • You tell me =)

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments, and submit bugs and feature requests at my portal here: