Removes gold seller spam from chat. Overcomes the pitfalls of all other anti-spam AddOns whilst being quick, flexible and lightweight.
Spam Bam is a new approach. No checklists or Ignore lists are accessed.
Spam Bam - The Key Difference
Spam Bam recognises that no genuine player seeks to obfuscate their chat message. If a message seems strange then it is probably spam. Strangeness is typically lots of repeated characters and the copious use of irregular characters.
If a message contains constructs such as "==>", "\/\/ \/\/ \/\/", "==== 100K==== $12 ====", or even "ooooo G oooo O uuuuuu L ==== D dot cCc oOo mMm" then it is probably spam. The AddOn only needs to check for obfuscation per se. There is no need to analyse the last example above to see if "" can be extracted. We know that it is spam already!
The Spam Bam Advantage
(1) Quick to test for spam
(2) Your Ignore List is not used.
(3) Is not limited to testing against a static list of known rogue websites
(4) Is not limited to testing against obfuscations previously used
(5) Will not become out of date too quickly
(6) Players do NOT need to learn an arcane formatting/regex language like other AddOns
(See the comments section at the top of the LUA file for a much more detailed discussion)
How to Instal
Unzip and drop the lot into your TESO AddOns folder. Startup the game. Enjoy. No configuration required but it can be extensively tweaked.
Because it does NOT use a whole lot of player and author defined and difficult to code "regex" format tests then it is quite reliable and not prone to player coding errors. It iterates once through the message, doing just two tests. It is quick. Within the testing loop there are no tables built.
Spam Bam works great "as is" but... you can extensively configure it. See the comments at the top of the LUA file for details and/or enter /sb in chat. Beware! This is very technical.
Taraezor's Other TESO AddOns
Why not check out Got My Five, removes guild recruitment spam from chat. Simple, fast, efficient.