An almighty hero wanders through the wastes of Tamriel, forever haunted by Stale raddishes and murky numb-all-over. What can be done!? there's only one answer, and its an inept one. Use teh inept looting addon to show you what you loot, and to banish those stale raddishes to the junk pile or destroyed forever!
Quick Feature List:
- Automatically Banish stale raddishes to teh JUNK! (On pickup mark items as junk)
- Turn a healthy profit on Stale Raddish sales! (Auto sell junk and trash at vendors)
- Single out specific Stale Radishes for punishment! ( Mouse over press a key to toggle junk status in inventory)
- Spy on your friends as they gather Radsishes for their own nefarious purposes ( group loot view)
- Destroy the Raddishes, DESTROY! ( When bags are full delete low cost items)
- Spam your Friends with Raddish related email (Quickly empty bags to email)
0.10.0 - Grumlocks Gripes Edition Updated for compatibility with latest patch (1.2.3)