


Undiscovered shows Points of Interest on your in game map, making it easier to track down Quest Hubs, Dungeons, Dolmens, Wayshrines and other useful sites scattered on the map.

SHOWS: Wayshrine Area of Interest Public/Solo Dungeon Mundus Stone Dolmen Group Boss Group Dungeon Quest Hub Crafting Location

In Development French Localization (Menus & Types) Better tuning of Found vs. Completed Filtering based on POI type

Credits Deutsch translation provided by DaBear78 (THANKS!) Awesome Icon set provided by Asghaard (THANKS!)

Libraries Used http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info44-LibStub.html LibStub by Seerah http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info7-LibAddonMenu.html LibAddonMenu by Seerah

MapPin Rendering/Filtering, Settings Menu Implementation, Localization Code and DataStore Loading are built on techniques learned from Garkin and his tremendously awesome addons, Skyshards & Lorebooks http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info128-SkyShards.html SkyShards http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info288-LoreBooks.html LoreBooks

(Special thanks to Garkin for not only his addons but his advice and guidance while working on Undiscovered. Go Donate to him!)

POIs mined from ESO APIs & http://esohead.com/zones ESOHead