Improved NPC Nametags

Improved NPC Nametags



This mod allows you to turn on/off vicinity NPC nametags for hostile and friendly NPCs separately, so you can identify hostile NPCs easily while friendly NPC nametags will not clutter your screen anymore.

You can change settings via Improved NPC Nametag window by clicking on Improved NPC Nametag icon. Keyboard functionality still exits.


/setoption ShowNPCEnemyNametags true
turns on vicinity hostile NPC nametags, /...false will switch them off
/setoption ShowNPCFriendNametags false
turns off vicinity friendly NPC nametags, /...true will switch them on


/optioneinstellen ShowNPCEnemyNametags true
/optioneneinstellen ShowNPCFriendNametags false

(Don't forget to use tab or space while typing for auto-suggestion. It makes it a lot easier)

"Show vicinity NPC nametags" in your interface menu -> nametags needs to be turned on for this mod to work.

The settings are saved for each of your characters individually.

How to install

  • uninstall previous version
    • delete Improved NPC Nametag directory located in \Program Files (x86)\Funcom\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\Flash\
    • delete NametagController.swf located in \Program Files (x86)\Funcom\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\Flash\
  • unpack Diallo_ImprovedNPCNametag directory into \Data\Gui\Customized\Flash located in the root of your TSW directory (like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Funcom\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\Flash\Diallo_ImprovedNPCNametag)
  • cut out NametagController.swf from Diallo_ImprovedNPCNametag directory and paste it into \Data\Gui\Customized\Flash
  • restart your TSW client

How to uninstall

  • delete Diallo_ImprovedNPCNametag directory from \Data\Gui\Customized\Flash located in the root of your TSW directory
  • delete NametagController.swf from \Data\Gui\Customized\Flash located in the root of your TSW directory
  • restart your TSW client

About Comments

Please feel free to post your feedback and comments at the official TSW forum:

- by Diallo -
- ingame char: Dialla -
- server: Arcadia (RP) -