


Collection of fixes for some Carbine addons.

uifix_Interface — Preserves 'Constrain to screen edges' option.

uifix_InterfaceMenuList — Prevents other windows from overlaying game menu. Also stops search field from automatically getting focus each time menu opens.

uifix_InventoryBag — Preserves selected alternative currency.

uifix_MatchMaker — Makes MatchMaker popup movable.


  • Moves input channel label to the right, so it won't overlap chat message when you use arrows to select line from chat history. Label will be visible as long as input box has focus.
  • Prevents BGArt_SidePanel (backgroud for +/- buttons) from scaling vertically, when chat is resized.
  • When you hit escape or click somewhere with mouse, input box will lose focus, but text won't be cleared. When it gets focus back, previously entered text will be selected.

uifix_Datachron — Calls ToFront() method every time Datachron window is opened. Doesn't do much, as it won't make Datachron overlay forms that register to 'nil' parent.

Fixes from other authors: RosterThrottle, CostumeFix, Fixit.