


Current version: 0.90
Until the version number hits 1.0 or higher, consider the addon to be in sort-of beta.

Altometer is an addon that tracks items and currency (and possibly in the future more stuff) across all characters. 

For example if  you want to find out if you have any loose ability or amp points laying around, just search for it in the items list and you'll get immediate results from any character you've logged onto. Or if you're about to craft some fusion runes but don't know where all your signs of fusion are, look no further.

Altometer currently tracks your inventory, tradeskill bag, bank and any items in mail and collates them into an easy-to-search interface. It also searches by item category, so typing companion pet would show all pets in your bags no matter what their name is.

A full list of things it currently tracks are: 

  • All items in inventory, tradeskill bag, bank or mail (addable onto tooltips)
  • Total AMP and Ability points for characters
  • All path levels
  • Level, class and faction
  • Money, elder gems, glory, renown, prestige and crafting vouchers
  • Account-bound and soulbound AMPs/Ability points
  • Contracts
  • Raid lockouts
  • Played time
  • Some daily/weekly quests
  • Inventory/bank bags
  • Character specs, including AMP point allocation and selected skills and their tiers
  • Equipped items on logout

Character data is mostly updated when the window is opened, as well as on character login and logout, and the addon is therefore very lightweight. The window can currently be opened with /alt, /alto or /altometer.

Other command line commands include:

  • /alt 1 [y] [text] opens the overview tab and shows the y:th overview option (2 would be contracts, 4 raid lockouts etc). If that overview option has a filter text box, set [text] as the filter.
  • /alt 2 [text] opens the items tab with the optional filter text.
  • /alt i [text] opens the items tab with the optional filter text (same as /alt 2 [text]).
  • /alt c [text] opens the contracts overview with the optional filter text (same as /alt 1 2 [text]).
  • /alt clearall clears all indexed character data.